Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

In an effort to stem religious extremism, King Abdullah Bin Abd Al Aziz announced that the government would crack down on “ill-considered” fatwas, or religious edicts, issued by unqualified scholars. Abdullah noted the fatwas are largely promulgated via satellite television channels, the Internet, and other forms of mass communications.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi intelligence claimed al Qaeda planned a major attack during the haj, or religious pilgrimage, in Mecca. Security officials coordinated with US FBI and CIA to monitor the haj, while raids against al Qaeda cells were launched months ago. Hundreds were detained in the operation.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi dissidents claimed security services formed a militia loyal to the government and comprised of al Qaeda members. The al Qaeda-linked militia was created to support the government against domestic revolts and foreign threats, the dissidents said, much like al Qaeda fighters are used in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia

The Saudi government denied a report in Der Spiegel that King Abdullah offered political asylum to Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar. “There lies no truth in reports which reported Saudi offer of asylum to Mullah Omar,” a foreign ministry official said. The German newspaper claimed Presidents Bush and Karzai pushed the offer.

Al Qaeda

Salafism, a Conservative Strain of Islam, Gains Ground in Algeria

Saudi Arabia

The interior minister said al Qaeda planned to use cyanide in terrorist attacks, possibly to poison water supplies. Security forces seized cynanide, three tons of RDX, C-4 and TNT, and more than 25 tons of highly explosive mixtures during raids.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has charged 991 al Qaeda suspects for violence and attempting to overthrow the government. At least three clerics have been charged. Saudi Arabia has released more than 1,500 suspects after putting them through “re-education” programs, while 2,000 to 3,000 remain in custody.

Saudi Arabia

Wanted Saudi al Qaeda operative Nayif bin Mohammed al Qahtani was interviewed for a magazine run by al Qaeda in Yemen. Qahtani admitted taking shelter in Yemen and said he chose to stay and fight on the Arabian Peninsula instead of Afghanistan to cause a “total collapse” of the oil capacity the West relies upon.


Saudi Arabia to Contact Iraq on Saudi Detainee Spying for Iran

Al Qaeda

Saudi Arabia refutes Al Qaeda claim about Islamabad bomber™s identity


Saudi Expects Deal Soon on Constructing Border Wall with Iraq | Asharq Alawsat

Al Qaeda

Saudi Arabia: Terror cell received orders from al-Qaeda deputy

Saudi Arabia

Saudi security forces detained 701 suspects said to be plotting to attack targets in the country, including oil installations. The government released 181 based on lack of evidence but 520 are still in custody, including the cell leader. The interior minister said fighters were “arriving from Iraq, Afghanistan and North Africa to target the oil […]

Saudi Arabia

The US Treasury Department has designated all of the branches of the Al Haramain Islamic Foundation, including its headquarters in Saudi Arabia, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity. Al Haramain “provided financial and material support to al Qaeda, as well as a wide range of designated terrorists and terrorist organizations.” Treasury said the Saudi […]