Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Yemen civil war spills over border as Saudi official is killed in attack


Yemeni rebels report border clash with Saudi forces

Another former Gitmo detainee killed in a shootout

Former Guantanamo detainee Yousef Mohammed al Shihri was killed in an Oct. 13 shootout at a checkpoint along the Saudi-Yemeni border. He was reportedly dressed like a woman and planned to commit a suicide attack. Prior to being transferred from Guantanamo, al Shihri allegedly made it clear that he hated all Americans.


Saudi concern rises over Al Qaeda activity in Yemen

Saudi Arabia

Youssef al Shihri, one of the two al Qaeda operatives killed in a shootout with police near the Yemeni border, was a former detainee at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. Al Shihri was on a list of the Kingdom™s 85 most wanted terrorists and recently contacted his family to have them pass along information of […]


Yemen rebels say Saudi troops fired on border town

Saudi Arabia

Two suspected al Qaeda operatives were killed and another was detained in a shootout with police at a checkpoint in Jizan province on the southern border with Yemen. One policeman was also killed. The men were wearing burqas and had suicide vests, explosives, and weapons in their possession.

Former Gitmo detainee killed in shootout

A former Guantanamo detainee named Fahd Saleh Suleiman al Jutayli has reportedly been killed in a shootout in Yemen. Prior to his repatriation to Saudi Arabia, Jutayli was accused of having fought at Tora Bora.

Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula threatened to conduct more suicide attacks in Saudi Arabia. “By Allah, they will climb your walls and will come to you from where you do not expect,” said Abu Baseer al Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, in a videotape released on the Internet.

Saudi Arabia

The government ordered security at oil facilities, including the massive Abqaiq complex and the Ras Tanura terminal, to be stepped up after last week’s failed suicide attack that targeted the Deputy Interior Minister, Prince Muhammad bin Nayef. The Abqaiq facility was targeted with a suicide assault in February 2006.

Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula named the suicide bomber who died while attempting to assassinate Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the deputy minister of the interior who leads counterterrorism efforts. The bomber, who entered the country from Yemen, was named Abdullah Hassan Tali’ al Asiri and was on the kingdom’s list of 85 most wanted […]

Saudi Arabia

A suicide bomber lightly wounded Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, the assistant interior minister, at a public Ramadan gathering in Jeddah. Nayef is responsible for Saudi Arabia’s counterterrorism program. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took credit for the attack.

Saudi Arabia

Security forces detained 44 members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, including one foreign fighter. “The network includes a number of the theorists and believers of the deviant ideology and supporters of criminal acts,” Interior Ministry spokesman General Mansur Al Turki said.


Iraq neighbors undermining border fight: minister