Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda

In Afghanistan, Karzai’s invitation to Taliban creates discord and confusion


India: Ready to go ‘extra mile™ if Pakistan acts against terror

Al Qaeda

Officials puzzle over millions of dollars leaving Afghanistan by plane for Dubai


Increased security checks at US airports slammed as racial profiling


The war against the infidels: Terrorism is only one of the weapons

Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah’s senior religious adviser issued a fatwa prohibiting the joining of al Qaeda. “Affiliation with the so-called Al-Qaeda group is haram,” Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al Obeikan said. A Saudi was arrested at Manila airport for posing as a pilot.

Al Qaeda

I shall send hundreds of men to fight alongside our neighbours, vows al-Qaeda ally in Somalia

Yemeni airstrike targets top al Qaeda leaders

The government is claiming that Nasir al Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, his deputy Said al Shihri, and radical US-Yemeni cleric Anwar al Awlaki may have been killed in an airstrike that killed more than 30 al Qaeda operatives. The reports are unconfirmed.

Former Guantanamo detainee now al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula’s Mufti

Former Gitmo detainee Ibrahim Suleiman al Rubaish has emerged as a leading ideologue for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Rubaish repeatedly attacks the Saudi government in his messages and has justified assassinations of Saudi officials. At Gitmo, Rubaish admitted he was a committed jihadist who had been trained in an al Qaeda camp.

Saudi Arabia

Ibrahim al-Rubaish: New religious ideologue of al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia calls for revival of assassination tactic