Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Gitmo recidivists

Uthman-Ghamdi-thumb.JPGAlthough the Saudi government has not identified the 25 terrorists released from Guantanamo Bay who are known to have returned to jihad, 15 of them can be identified.

Saudi Arabia

Twenty-five former al Qaeda operatives who were Guantanamo Bay detainees are known have returned to carry out terrorist activities. The 25 former detainees went through a rehabilitation program touted by the Saudis as a success.

Saudi Arabia

Leading Saudi clerics called for jihad against Israel. “We have to strike at the heart of Israel to drive them out of Muslim territories in a way that breaks the Gaza embargo,” a joint statement by 70 religious leaders said. “Dialogue and negotiations only increases violence by the Jews.”

Saudi Arabia

More than 5 billion Saudi riyals, or $1.33 billion, have entered Afghanistan via Pakistan since 2006. The money moves from Riyadh to Peshawar, where it is converted to dollars or rupees. The money is then transferred to North Waziristan; from there it is smuggled across the border.

Former Gitmo detainee featured as commander in al Qaeda tape

Uthman-Ghamdi-thumb.JPGOthman Ahmed al Ghamdi, a former Gitmo detainee, has risen within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s ranks to commander. He is featured in a tape, along with other AQAP leaders, that celebrates the Fort Hood shooting and the failed Christmas Day 2009 attack, and also threatens further attacks on America.

Al Qaeda

Saudi Arabia – Government warns of al Qaeda elements disguising themselves as journalists

Saudi Arabia

Security forces arrested 113 members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula who were plotting to attack oil facilities and security installations in the country. The detainees consisted of Saudis Yemenis, Bangladeshis, Eritreans, Somalis, and Yemenis. The group was organized into three cells.


Pakistan – Spy service using captives to create new Taliban links