Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda

Saudis™ help in stopping plot is part of shift in security role


The secret Iraq files: The war – A snapshot of Al-Qaeda in Iraq

Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative Ahmed Abdel Aziz al Jasser and four other operatives plotted to carry out attacks in Saudi Arabia as its military was battling Houthi rebels from Yemen along the border in 2009. Yemen has offered a $50,000 reward for Yasser.

Saudi Arabia

Bader Mohammed Nasser al Shihri, a wanted al Qaeda operative, contacted the Pakistani government and is seeking to turn himself in to Saudi authorities. Al Shihri is a Saudi citizen and is on the Kingdom’s list of 85 most wanted terrorists.

Saudi Arabia

Jaber Jabran al Faifi, a former detainee at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, surrendered to Saudi authorities. Faifi left Saudi Arabia after his release in 2006 and joined al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


Taliban in high-level talks with Karzai government, sources say

Saudi Arabia

The interior minister claimed that Saudi authorities have stopped 230 terror attacks in the country since 2003. “Saudi Arabia is tackling terrorism with all its might and authorities have so far been successful in foiling 230 of the 240 terrorist attempts,” Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz said.