Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia


Families of servicemen killed in attack to get Iran money

Saudi Arabia

The sheikh of the tribe to which al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula deputy emir Said al Shihri belonged said the tribe would not bury the AQAP leader. Al Shihri’s father is said to have “disowned him after he walked in the path of terrorism.”

Al Qaeda

‘Darker Sides’: The Vast Islamist Sanctuary of ‘Sahelistan’

Saudi Arabia

The government is prosecuting 17 men for terrorism activities. The men are accused of sheltering al Qaeda operatives, plotting attacks against Aramco and oil tankers, fighting in Iraq, and financing terrorism.


Analysis: US arms sales to Asia set to boom on Pacific “pivot”


The Rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the Middle East


German Weapons Exports on the Rise as Merkel Doctrine Takes Hold

Al Qaeda

Inside Jabhat al Nusra – the most extreme wing of Syria’s struggle

Boko Haram emir praises al Qaeda

Abubakar-Shekau.jpgAbubakar Shekau said he and his fighters support jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, and Mali.

Al Qaeda

The Bin Laden conglomerate “wants to turn Mecca into Las Vegas”


US Is Weighing Stronger Action in Syrian Conflict


As cyberwarfare heats up, allies turn to US companies for expertise

Saudi Arabia

Talking to foreign media is ‘haram:’ Saudi Grand Mufti


Egypt’s Hard-Line Islamists Seek to Sway Constitution