Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

The Foreign Minister said Egypt is fighting terrorism, and criticized Western condemnation of the Egyptian military government’s crackdown on Islamists. He said Arab and Muslim nations will step in to help Egypt financially if Western countries cut aid in protest against the crackdown. King Abdullah has promised to stand by Egypt, and has condemned the […]


France urges Saudi, Qatar to help resolve Egypt crisis

Saudi Arabia

Authorities disclosed the recent arrest of two men, a Chadian and a Yemeni, who are suspected of planning suicide attacks. The Interior Ministry said the men were part of a “deviant group abroad,” a term it uses for al Qaeda, and claimed the ongoing investigation is related to the recent closure of US diplomatic facilities […]


Exclusive: Saudi offers Russia deal to scale back Assad support – sources

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced Raif Badawi, who founded the ‘Free Saudi Liberals’ website to discuss the role of religion in Saudi Arabia, to 600 lashes and seven years in prison for criticizing the religious police and allegedly advocating “religious liberalization.” Authorities in Jazan seized weapons and ammunition smuggled into the country. A senior Saudi cleric recently […]


Salafists Gain from Chaos in Egypt after Muslim Brotherhood Shooting


Saudi Arabia ‘targeting Iran and Israel with ballistic missiles’


Aid to Egypt From Saudis and Emiratis Is Part of Struggle With Qatar for Influence

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Lebanon warned that his country would deport anyone who financially supports Hezbollah. Gulf Cooperation Council members Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates said earlier this month they would start limiting transactions of Hezbollah members in the Gulf area.


Interview with Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal on Syria and Hezbollah