Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Minister said authorities will deport expatriates who engage in illegal fundraising, but praised legitimate channels such as the National Campaign to Support the Brothers in Syria. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice warned against celebrating the New Year.


Dragged off the bus in Tripoli and shot: the latest spillover from Syria’s brutal civil war

Saudi Arabia

Saad Muhammad Husayn Qahtani and Hamood Abdulla Hamood, two ex-Guantanamo detainees who were suspected of membership in al Qaeda, were transferred to Saudi Arabia. Former intelligence chief Prince Turki al Faisal accused the US of being indecisive in the Middle East and failing to adequately support the Syrian rebels. A Saudi court sentenced Omar al […]

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Ministry is expanding the kingdom’s jihadist rehabilitation program, due to fears that jihadists in Syria will engage in terrorism when they return; three more rehab centers are planned in addition to the two already in operation. The number of Saudis fighting in Syria has been estimated at between 800 and 900. An Interior […]


Analysis: Saudis have few options as they push tougher foreign policy


Iran Nuclear Deal Raises Fears of Proliferation Among Arab States


US and Saudis in Growing Rift as Power Shifts


Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own


Capital Journal: Allies Fear a US Pullback in Mideast


Iran nuclear deal fuels anger, jitters in Mideast


Iran Is Playing Obama, Says Savvy Saudi Prince


Tweeting Gulf Arabs Wire War Chest to Fight Assad on Every Front


Saudi nuclear weapons ‘on order’ from Pakistan


Syrian conflict: Persian Gulf officials, tired of waiting for US, move to boost aid to rebels