Tag Archives: Pakistan


Pakistan – Religious harmony: Christian leaders pardon Mardan Church arsonists


Security forces killed 10 “militants” and wounded six more during airstrikes in the Tirah Valley in Khyber. Four “bases” and the home of a militant commander were also destroyed during the attack.


The Taliban killed two members of a pro-government peace committee in separate attacks in Swat, and killed a girl in a bombing in Hangu. Security forces killed nine “militants” in Khyber and detained two Taliban members in Karachi.


Malala Yousafzai: Has Pakistan missed the chance to move on militancy?


Malala Yousafzai: Still defiant, girl shot by Taliban is walking, talking – and studying


The US killed four “militants” and a civilian in a drone strike in North Waziristan yesterday. The police identified the main suspect in the Taliban’s attempted assassination of a Swat schoolgirl. The Taliban bombed two schools in Mohmand.


Pakistan Taliban threaten another child activist after Malala shooting


The military claimed seven Taliban fighters were killed during airstrikes in Arakzai. Pakistan’s foreign minister asked Afghanistan to turn over Swat Taliban leader Mullah Fazlullah.


Pakistan helping terrorists enter India, claims Indian home minister


War Against Terrorism ‘Unwinnable’ Unless Pakistan Fights: Afghan Ministry of Interior