Tag Archives: Pakistan


Security forces killed 38 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and one more in Bajaur; 26 were detained in Bajaur. Five Taliban fighters surrendered in Swat. Two civilians were killed in a bombing in Quetta.

Taliban say (yet again) they’re not talking

More talk of talk between the Taliban (or other bad guy) elements and the Afghan government, this time in the Maldives: Rival Afghan figures have held a final day of unofficial talks in the Maldives islands, aimed at resolving the continuing crisis in Afghanistan. The meeting at the Paradise tourist resort island took place on […]


Pakistani forces killed 70 Taliban fighters, including three commanders, and wounded 50 more in airstrikes in Arakzai. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters in Dir.


Many disillusioned Pakistanis look beyond US for work, travel and education


Pakistan has blocked over 800 websites for republishing “blasphemous” material; Google is “suspicious” of Pakistan’s ban. The Taliban killed two tribal leaders in Swat and bombed a school in Peshawar.


Pakistan – Terrorists may attack NLC, NATO supply depots: report


Police arrested four Pakistanis thought to be linked to the Times Square plot. The US Embassy in Islamabad warned that a catering company has links to terrorist groups. The Taliban strapped bombs to two “US spies” and detonated them in front of a crowd.

Barbaric Taliban twist on executing ‘US spies’

Usually, when the Taliban capture so-called “US spies” whom they accuse of working with the Pakistani government or providing information for the US air campaign in the tribal areas, the victims are shot and killed, or occasionally, beheaded or mutilated in some way. The “spies” almost always have a note pinned to their chests warning […]


Security forces killed 19 Taliban fighters in Arakzai, four in Tank, and a commander in Swat. Thirty people have been killed in Karachi. A pro-Taliban politician was killed in Tank. Sweden shut down its embassy as the Pakistani government blocked YouTube. A court ordered the release of four known Taliban fighters.