Tag Archives: Pakistan


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Mohmand, 10 in Arakzai, and four more in Khyber; seven Taliban fighters died in an IED blast in Kurram. The Taliban attacked a NATO convoy in Mach in Baluchistan. Muslim leaders demanded that Punjab’s law minister resign due to links to terrorists.


The US killed 14 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in two airstrikes targeting Taliban compounds in North Waziristan. Security forces captured two Taliban leaders in Karachi.


The US killed three terrorists in an airstrike in North Waziristan. The military killed 10 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Amnesty International said that more than 4 million Pakistanis live under the yoke of the Taliban, and that the Pakistani military has used brutal methods against civilians while fighting the terror group.


India – Headley: ‘ISI guided LeT at every step for 26/11’


The Taliban killed eight people and destroyed more than 30 NATO supply trucks in an attack on a depot just outside of Islamabad. Six Taliban fighters and two Frontier Corps troops were killed in clashes in Mohmand. Tribes in South Waziristan demanded an end to the US airstrikes in the tribal areas.

US special envoy snubbed by Pakistan

United States Special Envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke has long been sidelined by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and now it appears the Pakistanis no longer wish to deal with him as well. A June 9 visit to Islamabad by Holbrooke has been canceled “after he was informed that no important officials would be […]


The Taliban killed six Frontier Corps troops in Arakzai; 30 Taliban fighters were killed in the counterattack. The Taliban killed five people and destroyed more than 30 fuel tankers and cargo trucks in the suburbs of Islamabad, and executed a man in North Waziristan.


Foreign fighters gain influence in Somalia’s Islamist al-Shabab militia