Tag Archives: Pakistan


Three suicide bombers killed 41 people in an attack at a Sufi shrine in Lahore. Ten people were killed during a clash between rival Taliban groups in Kurram. The Army claimed South Waziristan is cleared of terrorists. General Kayani denied brokering a meeting with President Karzai and Siraj Haqqani.

The ‘only 50 to 100’ al Qaeda in Afghanistan fallacy

The CIA continues to get it all wrong when discussing al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Numerous officials are repeating CIA Director Leon Panetta’s claim that al Qaeda maintains only a small footprint in Afghanistan. Here is what Panetta said over the weekend on ABC News’ This Week: “I think at most, we’re looking at maybe 50 […]

Al Qaeda sleeper agent tied to 2009 NYC subway plot

shukrijumah.jpeFederal officials said Adnan Shukrijumah, a one-time al Qaeda sleeper agent groomed by senior terrorists to launch attacks on America after 9/11, was involved in Najibullah Zazi’s plot to bomb NYC subways last year. Shukrijumah cased targets in NYC in 2001.


Security forces killed 20 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Arakzai. The interior minister said the government is willing to negotiate with the Taliban. A spokesman for the Foreign Office said Indian claims that Pakistan runs training camps for Kashmiri terrorists are baseless.


Pakistan: Baradar’s extradition to Afghanistan likely to happen

General P, the ROE, and Pakistan

During his testimony to Congress yesterday, General David Petraeus made a point of directly addressing the problem of the existing Rules of Engagement (ROE). The existing Rules of Engagement were put in place by General Stanley McChrystal, with the intention of reducing civilian casualties. And they appear to have done so; the ROE change has […]

United States

Pakistan – Drone attacks should be stopped if unauthorized: Lahore High Court


Kashmir – Political steps needed, Army chief tells TOI

Bruce Hoffman on the fight against al Qaeda

This is a little late as Hoffman’s article is from April, but his take on the US’ strategy, or lack thereof, to deal with al Qaeda and allied Islamist terror groups, is a must read. There are far too many points made in the article to list here, so read the whole thing. Two items […]


The Taliban killed four soldiers in an ambush in Bajaur; three Taliban fighters were killed in the clash. Detained Taliban fighters in Swat will be tried in a sharia court. Five Pakistani-Americans convicted of terrorist activities will appeal their convictions.