Tag Archives: Pakistan


Why many Pakistani-Americans aren’t sending flood donations home


The military killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Followers of Mullah Nazir and Hakeemullah Mehsud clashed in South Waziristan; three Taliban fighters were killed. A doctor associated with the Harkat ul Mujahideen was gunned down in Karachi. Two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi fighters were detained in connection with the murder of a member of the Sindh parliament.


The Taliban attacked a pro-government militia and police outposts in Khyber and Peshawar; two anti-Taliban fighters and several Taliban fighters were killed. Police arrested two suicide bombers in Peshawar.


Pakistan: ‘Terrorists planning to target top officials in capital’


Militants overtake India as top threat to Pakistan, says ISI


Pakistani terror network takes on major role in Afghan war


‘Taliban has benefited from West’s response in Pakistan’

ISAF continues to ID ‘foreign fighters’ in Afghanistan

Chechens with headbands are walking through a Taliban column during an attack on a US outpost in Kunar province. Click here for more images. Back on July 11, I noted that ISAF was beginning to define the enemy in Afghanistan. At that time, ISAF stated that it was hunting a Taliban commander involved in facilitating […]


A US airstrike in North Waziristan killed 12 Taliban fighters. The UN said 20 million Pakistanis have been impacted by the floods, and six million Pakistanis have yet to receive aid.

Slain medical workers likely killed by Pakistani Taliban fighters

An investigation into the murder of 10 medical workers in the northern province of Badakhshan indicates that Taliban fighters, some possibly from Pakistan, were behind the attack. Both the Taliban and Hizb-i-Islami claimed to have carried out the brutal executions. And it appears those who carried out the attack were attempting to return to Barg-e-Matal […]