Tag Archives: Pakistan


Punjab will begin releasing over 390 members of Pakistani terror groups over the next several days. Security forces killed one Lashkar-e-Islam fighter and detained 29 more in Khyber. The Taliban bombed five NATO fuel tankers at the border crossing in Torkham.


‘Afghan war ends only by targeting insurgency in Pakistan’ – Afghan national security advisor

ISI shelters top Afghan Taliban leaders. Shocking!

Today’s report in The New York Times on Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate’s detention of Mullah Baradar and other top Afghan Taliban leaders as part of an attempt to sabotage and control negotiations with the Afghan government wins this month’s coveted Captain Louis Renault Award hands down. And to boot, the ISI used the CIA to […]


The Taliban killed 18 people in a suicide attack in a mosque in South Waziristan and seven people, including a pro-government militia leader, in an IED attack in Kurram, and wounded seven tribal leaders in a bombing near Peshawar. The US killed five people in a strike against the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan.


The Taliban killed six pro-government peace committee members in an IED attack in Mohmand. Police arrested two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi operatives who were behind the assassination of a provincial senator in Karachi.


Eight Taliban fighters and a soldier were killed during a clash in Arakzai. The Taliban assassinated a policeman in Dera Ismail Khan and torched a NATO fuel tanker in Khudzar. “Banned” terror groups are not permitted to provide support to Pakistan’s flood victims.