Tag Archives: Pakistan


Afghanistan harbors elements terrorising Pakistan – Pakistani interior minister Malik

Why has the US ramped up attacks in North Waziristan?

In a report at the Christian Science Monitor that attempts to explain why the US has ramped up Predator/Reaper attacks in North Waziristan, there is a great description of the strength of al Qaeda and allied groups in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency: According to US estimates, there are about 2,000 Al Qaeda militants in the […]


The US killed 17 Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in a pair of airstrikes in North Waziristan. Five soldiers were wounded in an IED attack in Khyber. Four members of Pakistani Jundallah were arrested in Karachi.

Siraj Haqqani’s cousin reported killed in Waziristan strike

Click to view slide show of commanders in the Haqqani Network. Pictured is a composite image of Siraj Haqqani. Pakistani intelligence officials are claiming that a Haqqani Network commander named Saifullah who also was one of Siraj Haqqani’s cousins was killed in the Sept. 14 Predator strike in the village of Qutabkhel. From AFP/Dawn: A […]

Pakistan may free Sufi Mohammed

Sufi Mohammad. More than a year ago, a trusted source and expert on Pakistan said that if you wanted to know how serious Pakistan is about fighting terrorists in its midst, observe how it deals with its homegrown terrorist leaders. Pakistan has been unwilling (or unable, or both, depending on your point of view) to […]


The US killed 15 Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in a pair of Predator strikes in North Waziristan. The Taliban assassinated a journalist in Hangu. Hakeemullah Mehsud threatened to attack the US if a Koran is burned.

‘It’s not a secret’ Mullah Omar is in Pakistan – France

Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen (“the commander of the faithful”) of the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban. While French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner’s statement that Mullah Omar is sheltering in Pakistan is no great revelation, kudos to him for stating the painfully obvious. From AFP via Dawn: “It’s not a secret for anyone, everyone […]


Pakistan – Minister blames ‘terrorists’ for attacks on Christians

Al Qaeda

Sanctuaries in Pak help revival of Taliban, al-Qaida post 9/11


A US Predator strike in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan killed six “militants” on Sept. 12. Four people were killed in an IED attack in Kurram. A policeman and a civilian were wounded in a bombing at a Christian church in Mardan.


US military facilitates delivery of more than 5 million pounds of Pakistan flood aid