Tag Archives: Pakistan


Security forces killed 44 “rebels” in Khyber and four Taliban fighters in Bajaur. Ten Taliban fighters and three paramilitary troops were killed in Peshawar. An Anti-Terrorist Court refused bail for three men accused of aiding the Times Square plot in New York City.

Al Qaeda

Risk of small-scale attacks by al-Qaeda and its allies is rising, officials say


The US launched two Predator strikes in South Waziristan; 26 Taliban, including Mullah Nazir’s deputy, were reported killed. The military killed eight “militants” in Kurram. Two Frontier Corps troops were killed in an IED attack in Khyber.

US strike kills 16 in South Waziristan

The strike is the first that hit in an area under the control of “good Taliban” leader Mullah Nazir since July 25. Nazir’s aide is rumored to have been killed in the strike.


US Predators killed four “militants” in North Waziristan. Nine Pakistanis were killed in ethnic violence in Karachi. Security forces killed eight “militants” and arrested a British national in Khyber. The Taliban attacked two NATO fuel tankers in Baluchistan.


Pakistan – Journalists boycott coverage of Senate, NA proceedings


China in talks to export Pakistan bigger nuke plant


The US killed five “militants in an airstrike in North Waziristan. “Miscreants” torched a church in Karachi. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Peshawar.

DoD and IRGC deny US troops captured in Iran

Earlier today, FARS News Agency claimed that seven US soldiers were detained inside Iran in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan. The report has since been withdrawn, and interestingly enough both the US Department of Defense and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, and even Pakistan’s foreign minister, have denied the report. From Iran’s Press TV: IRGC […]


Pakistan – Higher judiciary concerned over judges™ security