Tag Archives: Pakistan


US Predators pounded a compound and two vehicles several times in the town of Lataka in the Datta Khel area in North Waziristan, killing 11 “militants” including two foreigners. The Taliban killed three pro-government tribal leaders in attacks in Mohmand.


Linda Norgrove: US navy Seal faces disciplinary action over grenade death


The chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa said the government may provide security to NATO convoys moving through Pakistan. Security officials claimed US helicopters violated Pakistan’s airspace at Chaman. Security forces killed four “extremists” in Mardan. More than 30 people have been killed in violence in Karachi.


Pakistan aid workers in row with US over Stars and Stripes ‘logo’


Pakistan – Kidnapping-for-ransom main source of Taliban™s earning

Al Qaeda

Karzai: ‘Unofficial personal contacts’ taking place with Taliban


US Predators killed seven “militants” in a strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban took credit for destroying 27 NATO fuel trucks in Mithri and bombed three girls’ schools in Mohmand. Former President Musharraf said he backs talks with the Taliban.

Judge finds that Kuwaiti Gitmo detainee was no charity worker

A district judge denied a Kuwaiti Gitmo detainee’s petition for a writ of habeas corpus in September. The detainee, Fayiz al Kandari, claims that he was a mere charity worker, but he was really an influential al Qaeda recruiter with ties to a terror cell that launched an attack on the US Marines in 2002.


Pakistan reopened the Khyber Pass to NATO traffic. The government is considering taxing NATO supplies crossing the border. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Swat and five “militants” in Khyber.