Tag Archives: Pakistan

Al Qaeda

Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda terrorist leader, hunted in Pakistan by CIA

Pakistan is not conducting ‘surgical’ raids in North Waziristan

Buried at the end of this Wall Street Journal article on Admiral Mike Mullen’s infatuation with Pakistan (a topic worthy of a book in itself), are these two completely false paragraphs that claim Pakistan is conducting covert operations against al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network based in North Waziristan: Pakistan currently conducts “surgical” […]


Sixteen people were killed in attacks in Karachi. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained another in Swat. The Taliban bombed a school in Peshawar.


Pakistan – How to defuse a human bomb: rescuing Taliban™s teenage recruits

Al Qaeda

Before ’08 Mumbai attacks, US was warned key figure in plot had terror ties


The US killed nine “militants’ in a pair of airstrikes in Mir Ali in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed five Pakistani soldiers and captured one other during an attack on a checkpoint in South Waziristan, and also killed three truck drivers in attacks on NATO supply trucks in Khyber and Kalat. Four tribal militia members […]


Pakistan – Supreme court directs law enforcement agencies to check rising incidents of acid attacks


Pakistan – Intelligence agencies monitoring 6,000 suspected persons


The prime minister said no promise has been made to tackle the Taliban in North Waziristan. Security forces detained seven Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members for plotting to attack the prime minister of Pakistan. The Taliban bombed a shrine in Landikotal and released a video of a professor kidnapped in September.


Pakistan flood crisis blamed partly on deforestation by ‘timber mafia,’ Taliban


Gilani’s remarks disrespect for Afghan sovereignty: Pakistani nationalists


Massive rise in kidnappings in Pakistani province of Khyber Pakthoonkhwa