Tag Archives: Pakistan


The US killed six “militants” in a Predator strike in Pakistan. A suicide bomber killed two policemen in Swabi. Three Taliban commanders were killed in Swat. The brother of Baitullah Mehsud was murdered in North Waziristan.


Taliban publicly flog men for ‘taking drugs’ against their diktat


Pakistani military spokesman: Killings of Taliban militants ‘show weariness with insurgency’


Pakistan – Massive increase in kidnappings for ransom in south Punjab


The Taliban killed two Pakistani soldiers in North Waziristan. A senior Taliban commander was murdered in Karachi. Security forces detained a man carrying more than 120 pounds of explosives in Mansehra.


Pakistani criminal justice system proves no match for terrorism cases


Security forces killed nine “terrorists” in Arakzai and two Taliban fighters in Swat. One of two Turks who went missing in the tribal areas was killed in a blast in Bannu. The Taliban bombed two NATO trucks near Quetta.


US Predators killed three Arab al Qaeda fighters and four Taliban fighters in North Waziristan. The Pakistani air force killed 12 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban beheaded three “criminals” in Mohmand. The Haqqani Network is negotiating with the Turi tribe in Kurram.

United States

US military has delivered over 20 million pounds of flood relief supplies to Pakistan


The US killed six Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in two Predator strikes in North Waziristan. Three policemen were killed in a bombing in Quetta; two more were killed in a gunfight in Peshawar. Six people were wounded in a bombing in Khyber.


US let us down on David Headley: Indian home secretary