Tag Archives: Pakistan


A Taliban suicide bomber killed 17 Pakistani civilians in an attack at a market in Kohat. General Kayani said the situation in South Waziristan is “under control.”


Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan takes root in increasingly insecure northern Afghan provinces

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: Northwestern market attack ‘aimed at stoking sectarian strife’


A Lashkar-e-Jhangvi suicide bomber killed one person in an attack that targeted the chief minister of Baluchistan. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters in Swat and detained 13 terrorists in Karachi. The Taliban bombed a school in Peshawar.

No need to launch a North Waziristan operation, it is already underway

Pakistani military commanders continue to insist there is no need for a military operation in North Waziristan as the military is already battling the Taliban and al Qaeda there. The latest claim comes from the commander of the Peshawar Corps. From SAMAA: Core Commander Peshawar Lieutenant General Asif Yasin, on Monday, ruled out rumors regarding […]

Al Qaeda

Evolution of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan branches back to Central Asia

Al Qaeda

Nicolas Sarkozy launches attack on Pakistan over terrorist safe havens

Al Qaeda

Pakistani Taliban takes special aim at pro-government tribal militias


The Taliban claimed a dual suicide attack that killed 50 people in Mohmand; the bombers targeted a meeting of tribal leaders and government officials. A US Predator strike killed five “militants” in the Datta Khel area of North Waziristan.

Al Qaeda organizes Taliban operations in Pakistan’s northwest

Two interesting articles were published over the past week which highlight the continuing integration of the Pakistani Taliban with al Qaeda. The first article, from Central Asia Online, documents the formation of the al Qaeda-led Shura al Mujahideen (Mujahideen Council), which was set up to settle intra-Taliban rivalries and coordinate operations: A council of five […]