Tag Archives: Pakistan


The World Food Program shut down aid delivery in Bajaur after yesterday’s suicide attack. The Taliban killed a truck driver in Mastung who was transporting supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan. Prime Minister Gilani said US drone attacks in Pakistan are counterproductive.


Pakistan – Jamaat-e-Islami against US summon of ISI officials


A female Taliban suicide bomber killed 42 civilians in an attack at a World Food Program ration distribution point in Bajaur. The Taliban kidnapped 25 tribal leaders who met with General Kayani in South Waziristan. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Mohmand.


Pakistan – Protestors warn of anarchy if blasphemy law changed


Eleven Pakistani soldiers and 24 Taliban fighters were killed in heavy fighting after the Taliban assaulted five checkpoints in Mohmand. Pakistani security forces reportedly detained Nasiruddin Haqqani, the top financier for the Haqqani Network. The US transferred more than $600 million to Pakistan to fighter terrorists groups.


As drone strikes have increased, so have assassinations, Pakistanis say


Swiss official urges charging three with nuke smuggling

Pakistani Taliban commander reported killed in Kunar

A Pakistani Taliban commander who aided in the murder of three US Special operations troops in the Pakistani district of Dir in February 2010 may have been killed in a recent US airstrike in Afghanistan’s Kunar province. From Express News, via AKI: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) [or Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan] leader Hafeezullah and […]


Pakistan – US suits against ISI chief a ‘futile’ exercise


Pakistan, Iran jockey for influence after bombings