Tag Archives: Pakistan


US Predators killed four Haqqani Network fighters in an airstrike in North Waziristan. The Taliban freed 23 captive tribal leaders after making them swear on the Koran not to support the government. The Taliban killed one person in a bombing in Lakki Marwat.

Danish newspaper plotter arrested twice before

One of the suspects arrested this week for allegedly plotting an attack against the Danish newspaper that published controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed had been arrested twice before. He and his supporters claimed both times that he was merely vacationing.

South Waziristan Taliban free captive tribal leaders

The Taliban in South Waziristan are attempting to show who is really in charge in the lawless tribal agency after the Pakistani Army offensive that was launched in October 2009. Last week, the Taliban kidnapped 23 tribal leaders after they met with General Kayani, the Pakistani Chief of Army Staff, during his visit to South […]


Taliban continue with anti-education activities: in 2010, terrorists blew up more than two dozen schools in Peshawar


Security forces killed 20 Taliban fighters and wounded 25 more during helicopter strikes in Kurram. The Taliban killed the driver of a NATO supply truck in an attack in Kachhi in Baluchistan.


Fighting erupts in Afghanistan’s Tora Bora mountains between NATO, insurgent forces


Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in helicopter airstrikes in Kurram. The Taliban ambushed a NATO supply convoy in Landi Kotal in Khyber; one driver was killed during the attack.

Taliban intel officer linked to Pakistan captured in Kandahar

Yesterday, ISAF captured a Taliban intelligence operative who scouted attack sites for suicide bombers based in Pakistan. From the ISAF press release: The targeted individual is an intelligence operative responsible for providing direction in the form of site selection and target sets for the suicide bombers who reportedly came into the city from Chaman, Pakistan. […]


Pakistan – Are Taliban following in the footsteps of Tamil Tigers?


US Predators killed 15 Taliban fighters in a pair of airstrikes in the Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan. Pakistani troops killed two Taliban fighters in Mohmand.


US Predators killed 25 terrorists in a pair of strikes in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed a security official in Khyber. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Swat. ISAF denied its helicopters crossed the border into Pakistan.