Tag Archives: Pakistan


A tribal lashkar killed three Taliban fighters; three more Taliban fighters were found killed in Arakzai. An Awami National Party leader was killed in Mardan. The US will donate $190 million in flood aid.


Democratic countries confronting their own creeping challenge of censorship


Barelvi clerics feted Governor Taseer’s assassin and warned Pakistanis not to mourn Taseer’s death, while lawyers showered the assassin with rose petals as he entered a courtroom. The US and Pakistan are stalemated over the transfer of drone technology.

Pakistani lawyers, ‘moderate’ Muslim group fete governor’s assassin

To understand just how bad things are in Pakistan, read this Associated Press account of the treatment of the assassin who brutally murdered Punjab’s governor, Salman Taseer, for opposing Pakistan’s repressive blasphemy law. The lawyers showered the assassin bodyguard with rose petals, while Barelvi clerics, who are upheld as the caretakers of Pakistan’s moderate Muslims, […]


Salman Taseer assassination points to Pakistani extremists’ mounting power


Punjab’s governor was assassinated by his bodyguard for opposing the country’s blasphemy law. The Taliban killed a “spy” and chopped off the hand of a thief in Arakzai, and bombed a NATO fuel tanker in Khyber. Security forces arrested 39 suspected Taliban fighters in Mohmand.

Bodyguard assassinates Pakistani governor for opposition to blasphemy law

Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab province and a senior politician in the ruling Pakistan People’s Party, was assassinated today by his bodyguard. Reports indicate that Taseer was assassinated for his opposition to Pakistan’s repressive blasphemy laws, which target non-Muslims for perceived slights to Islam. From Dawn: Interior Minister Rahman Malik told reporters that the […]

Latest Predator strike rumor: AQAP’s leader killed in North Waziristan

The latest from the Pakistan rumor mill is that Nasir al Wuhayshi, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s top leader, was killed in a Dec. 28, 2010 Predator strike in North Waziristan. From The Associated Press (CNN-IBN is also reporting this): Nasir al Wahishi, a Yemeni national who reportedly served as an aide of al-Qaida […]

Another rumor of Qari Hussain’s death in October Predator strike

Rumors of the death of Qari Hussain Mehsud, the Taliban’s “Ustad-e-Fedayeen” or teacher of suicide bombers, have surfaced again, after a Pakistani provincial minister claimed he was killed in a US Predator airstrike in October. From The Times of India: “Qari Hussain was killed in a drone strike,” Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa information minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain […]


The US killed 19 “militants,” including four “foreigners” in three separate airstrikes in North Waziristan. Prime Minister Gilani said the US would ultimately end the Predator strikes as they are “counterproductive.”


India, Pakistan exchange lists of nuclear installations