Tag Archives: Pakistan

Geography and history of the Afghanistan-Pakistan region

This presentation, based on a recent lecture that I delivered, examines the geography and history of the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, as it applies to the current challenges that the US confronts in the region. The presentation covers several historical themes, including Afghanistan’s history of foreign invasion, how leaders gain legitimacy, center-periphery relations, and the Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship.


The Taliban killed a policeman in Bannu and attacked five NATO oil tankers in Mithri Baluchistan, destroying two of them. The wife of a man killed by a US consular official in Lahore committed suicide.

Taliban mourn death of ’eminent commander’ at Gitmo

In a piece last week, I noted that a former Taliban commander, Awal Gul, died of an apparent heart attack at Guantanamo on Tuesday, Feb. 1. The Taliban have now released a statement online concerning Gul’s death, calling him “the prominent Jihadi commander of Nangarhar province” and lamenting the “martyrdom of the eminent commander.” Much […]


The Taliban executed four people accused of “spying for Indian and Jewish intelligence agencies” in Karak, and killed three civilians in Khyber. More than 20,000 people have fled Mohmand due to a military operation.


Pakistan – UN: ‘Operations in Mohmand may displace up to 90,000 people’

Al Qaeda

US said to reduce civilian deaths after increasing CIA Pakistan strikes


Three people were killed in a bombing at a shrine in Lahore. Three Taliban fighters and a soldier were killed during fighting in Arakzai; the Taliban also bombed a school in the tribal agency. The Taliban destroyed two NATO containers in Khuzdar.


Fifteen Taliban fighters and three Pakistani soldiers were killed in fighting in Mohmand. The Taliban killed nine people in a bombing in Peshawar. A Pakistani soldier was killed in an exchange of fire with Afghan troops in Khost province.

Shocking: London Tube bombers guided by contact in Pakistan

Remember all of those reports claiming that “homegrown terrorists,” and not al Qaeda, were responsible for the July 7, 2005, London Tube suicide attacks? Despite numerous reports showing that al Qaeda was behind the attack (such as the capture and interrogation of senior al Qaeda leader Abd al Hadi al Iraqi, the London attack mastermind […]


WikiLeaks: tension in the Middle East and Asia has ‘direct potential’ to lead to nuclear war


Security forces killed 21 Taliban fighters in Mohmand. The Taliban killed two Pakistanis in an attack on a NATO oil tanker in Mastung, and bombed two schools in Peshawar.

Bahadar flexes Taliban muscle in North Waziristan

Just in case you weren’t sure who really runs the show in Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan, Taliban supremo Hafiz Gul Bahadar sent the locals there a reminder: He is. Bahadar issued pamphlets notifying the locals that the Taliban are the law, and will “punish” kidnappers and car thieves, and even burn down their […]