Tag Archives: Pakistan


The Taliban destroyed two NATO fuel tankers in Mangocher. Police arrested a US security contractor for visa violations. The ISI asked the CIA for information about its operatives in Pakistan.

US begins withdrawing forces from Kunar’s Pech Valley

The New York Times reports that the US Army has begun withdrawing from combat outposts in the Pech River Valley in Kunar province: The withdrawal from the Pech Valley, a remote region in Kunar Province, formally began on Feb. 15. The military projects that it will last about two months, part of a shift of […]


With eye on strike missions, US plans to realign troops in remote Afghan valley


US Predators killed six “militants” in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed five security personnel during an attack on a military outpost in Khyber and torched two NATO fuel tankers


Experts say Gaddafi relying on paramilitary forces, foreign mercenaries to crush protests


Security forces killed 10 “terrorists” in attacks on hideouts in Kurram. Police arrested 35 “miscreants” during a series of raids in Rawalpindi. Five “criminals,” including a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi operative, were arrested in Karachi.


State actors in Pakistan involved with terror outfits: India

Judge finds Gitmo detainee was no ‘Gucci jihadist’

In an opinion released on Feb. 18, a DC district judge denied the habeas corpus petition of Guantanamo detainee Mashour Abdullah Muqbel al Sabri; the decision contradicts earlier district court rulings in important ways. Al Sabri’s career demonstrates that there was extensive overlap between Taliban and al Qaeda operations prior to Sept. 11, 2001.


Pakistan says American’s CIA link has no bearing on murder trial


US Predators killed nine “militants” in an airstrike in North Waziristan. Abu Zaid al Iraqi, al Qaeda’s financier in Pakistan, and several Punjabis are thought to have been killed in yesterday’s Predator strike in South Waziristan. A US consular official in Pakistani custody for killing two gunmen is a CIA officer.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: Colonel Imam was killed last month for spying