Tag Archives: Pakistan


Two Pakistanis on trial in the US said that the ISI backed the Mumbai terror assault that was carried out by the Lashkar-e-Taiba. Pakistan wants the US to end its Predator campaign in the tribal areas; the US said the attacks would continue.


Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, a deterrent against India, but also United States ?


More than 350 suicide bombers are training in North Waziristan. The military claimed it killed 30 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Mohmand. Police captured two Taliban fighters in Karachi.


Pakistan – Fighting flares in northwest between security forces and suspected militants


The military claimed it killed 50 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Mohmand. A suicide bomber killed one person in Quetta. The Taliban claimed it killed Colonel Imam for betraying Islam by working for Pakistan’s intelligence services.


One of the suicide bombers who attacked a Sufi mosque last week was from Bajaur. Seven troops were wounded in an ambush on a convoy in Khyber. The Taliban torched two NATO fuel trucks in Dhaddar.