Tag Archives: Pakistan


The Taliban executed two “US spies” in North Waziristan and blew up a school in Khyber. Three Pakistani Americans in Swat denied criminal charges filed by the US that they support the Taliban. Senator Kerry is in Pakistan to deliver a “tough message” to Pakistan.


Analysis: Pakistan builds low yield nuclear capability, concern grows

More on Pakistan’s jihad

Frustration mounts in Washington over Pakistani complicity in supporting terror groups, but there is little will to do something about it.


Six people were killed in Kharian in an explosion caused by a bomb place on a bus. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.


Pakistan must stand united with allies to tackle extremists: NATO


The Taliban claimed a suicide attack that killed 75 Frontier Corps troops and five civilians in Charsadda. US Predators killed four “militants” in North Waziristan. The Taliban bombed five NATO fuel tankers in Khyber.