Tag Archives: Pakistan


The Taliban killed a civilian in an IED attack in Akora Khattak. The government ordered an investigation into the killing of five Chechens thought to be suicide bombers.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: ‘Mid-level’ Al-Qaeda operative lived in country for decade prior to arrest


Fifteen Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed in a clash at a security checkpoint outside Peshawar. US Senators are questioning the value of aid to Pakistan.

The Gitmo Files: An agent of Iran

Hamdullah.pngA leaked threat assessment prepared at Guantanamo describes one current detainee and his father as “Iranian agents.” The detainee, Haji Hamidullah, allegedly “murdered 71 people.” The leaked file connects several others to Iran, including two members of Hamid Karzai’s government.


Pakistan – Malik holds lacuna in ATC responsible for release of terrorists


Security forces killed five suicide bombers, including three women, in Quetta. The suicide bombers are thought to be Chechens or Uzbeks. Witnesses failed to show up in the trial of TNSM chief Sufi Mohammed.

Al Qaeda

Drone killing debate: Germany limits information exchange with US intelligence


US Predators killed 10 “militants,” including four “foreigners” in North Waziristan. The Taliban claimed credit for killing a Saudi consular official in Karachi.