Tag Archives: Pakistan


US Predators killed at least four “militants” in a strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed three Pakistani soldiers in an IED attack on a convoy in North Waziristan. The Taliban escaped an operation launched by the military in central Kurram.


The Pakistani military launched an operation against the Taliban in Kurram. The Taliban are reported to have launched an attack into Bajaur from Kunar in Afghanistan; one policeman was killed.


Pakistani Military Still Cultivates Militant Groups, a Former Fighter Says


The Taliban killed three policemen in an attack on a station in Shangla. “Gunmen” moved two kidnapped Swiss citizens from Zhob to South Waziristan. Police arrested the Taliban’s “intelligence chief” in Islamabad.

Al Qaeda

‘Assassination of Pak minority affairs minister organised by Ilyas Kashmiri’


Security forces arrested a Turkish man as he tried to enter North Waziristan. NATO is attempting to shift up to 75 percent of its supplies from Pakistan to routes in northern Afghanistan.