Tag Archives: Pakistan


Military aid to Pakistan not feasible when trainers are being asked to leave: US


Pakistan – Christian sanitation workers swept into societal gutter


US Predators killed 12 “militants” in a astrike in North Waziristan. A Suicide bomber killed seven people in Battagram. Two drivers transporting fuel for NATO were killed in Darakshan near Quetta.

Al Qaeda

CIA organised fake vaccinations to obtain Osama bin Laden’s family DNA


Marine general says US succeeding in Afghanistan but gains not yet ‘irreversible’


Security forces killed 21 Taliban fighters in Kurram and Dir. The Taliban killed five people near Peshawar and the driver of a NATO fuel tanker in Dasht. Pakistan asked the US to share intelligence on the whereabouts of al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri.


The Taliban denied it ambushed a military convoy and killed three soldiers in North Waziristian. Three people were killed during a clash between the Lashkar-e-Islam and a tribe in Khyber.