Son of Assassinated Pakistani Governor Is Kidnapped, Police Say
Son of Assassinated Pakistani Governor Is Kidnapped, Police Say
Children sexually abused on Pakistan’s streets
US Determined to Target Afghan Enemies Anywhere: Crocker
The Bajaur Taliban leader is operating an illegal FM radio channel and apparently is broadcasting from Afghanistan.
Taliban fight takes heavy toll on Pakistani troops
Pakistanis in denial 10 years after 9/11
The Taliban shouted “Allahu Akbar” after using an 82mm recoilless rifle to execute a police commander in Paktia province in eastern Afghanistan.
Islamabad – 135 suspected terrorists arrested in 2010-11
Ten Lashkar-e-Islam fighters were killed in a bunker that was occupied and then mined by the Taliban in Khyber. The Lashkar-e-Khorasan executed a ‘US spy’ in North Waziristan. Police in Lahore arrested three men thought to be involved with the kidnapping of an American.
US senators stress complex nature of Pakistan ties
The terrorist counterintelligence unit killed an Afghan accused of working for the Americans in North Waziristan.
Pakistan’s Bitter, Little-Known Ethnic Rebellion
Pakistan: Govt launches ‘surgical operation’ to stop violence
Two senior members of al Qaeda’s al Ghuraba cell were designated by the Treasury Department earlier this month. The cell was first broken up in 2003, based on intelligence gleaned from detainees in the CIA’s controversial enhanced interrogation program. Lashkar-e-Taiba reportedly provided training for the cell.
The strike took place in the Mir Ali area, a known haven for a number of terrorist groups.
Young Pakistanis turn to music to beat bombers
US Predators killed four “militants” in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. The Taliban torched 19 tankers in Baluchistan that were carrying fuel for NATO forces in Afghanistan.
Pakistan – To defeat terrorism sports academies in KP, FATA planned
Osama bin Laden’s wife and five children still imprisoned in Pakistan
Insurgents killed three policemen in Peshawar and two soldiers in North and South Waziristan. Four US officials reportedly dodged a police checkpoint in Peshawar and took refuge in the US Consulate.
Seven more butchered in Karachi
Lieutenant Colonel Nasratullah Nasrat, the commander of Afghan forces in Sabari district in Khost, said that Pakistan’s intelligence service fuels the insurgency. He also believes US forces will not withdraw by the 2014 deadline.
From Prada to ‘purdah’
Interview: US Special Envoy Marc Grossman On India-Pakistan Relations And Afghanistan’s Future
Pakistan’s Tribal Area Reforms Too Little, Too Late
Pakistan – Minister for policy review of war against terrorism
In Pakistan, top media group wields clout amid controversy
Afghanistan – Face-to-face with IED, and its makers
US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024
Pakistan – Army ends operation in Central Kurram