Tag Archives: Pakistan

Al Qaeda

The Journalist and the Spies: The murder of a reporter who exposed Pakistan’s secrets


US Predators killed four “militants” in a strike on the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. The Pakistani government placed an advertisement in US papers touting its war against al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda

Pictured: American on Ten Most wanted list as ‘credible’ suspect who is believed to be plotting 9/11 anniversary car bombing


Delhi HC blast: No clear leads yet as two more terror emails arrive

Al Qaeda

The Associated Press: Judge dumps suit for info on use of drones to kill


The interior ministry warned of a plot by the Taliban to kidnap a government official in order to free Osama bin Laden’s family. A Pakistani man pleaded guilty in a US court to plotting to send nuclear technology to his home country.


Delhi bomb: Indian group ‘may be behind’ court attack


A pair of suicide bombers killed 24 people in Quetta, including the wife of the deputy commander of Baluchistan Frontier Corps. The Taliban claimed it carried out the attack because the Frontier Corps captured al Qaeda leader Younis al Mauritani.

US Treasury lists 3 senior al Qaeda leaders as terrorists

The al Qaeda leaders were identified as Younis al Mauritani, a senior member of the external operations council who was recently arrested in Pakistan; Hassan Ghul, a key facilitator who was freed by the Pakistanis in 2007; and Abu Yahya al Libi, a top ideologue.

Appeal denied for HIG facilitator detained at Gitmo

Shawali-Khan.jpgThe DC Circuit Court denied a Guantanamo detainee’s appeal yesterday. The detainee, Shawali Khan, was a facilitator for Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin prior to his capture in 2002. According to a leaked file, Khan’s cell in Kandahar received weapons and other support from Iran.

HUJI claims bombing at Delhi High Court

The Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami claimed it carried out the attack to force India to repeal the death sentence of a terrorist involved in the 2001 assault on the parliament in Delhi.

Suicide bombers kill 24 Pakistanis in Quetta

The attack took place just two days after the Pakistani military announced it arrested Younis al Mauritani, a senior member of al Qaeda’s external operations council, in Quetta. The Frontier Corps, which was the target of the suicide attack, was involved in the raid that netted Mauritani.


The Pakistani Taliban demanded the release of its prisoners and the disbandment of anti-Taliban lashkars in exchange for the release of 27 boys kidnapped last week. The doctor who aided the CIA in conducting DNA tests in an attempt to find Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad has been barred from leaving the country.