Tag Archives: Pakistan


Foreign minister Khar said the US risked losing Pakistan as an ally if it continues to accuse the ISI of supporting terror groups. Four “militants” were killed in an IED attack in Khyber.


As sparks fly, Pakistan warns US You will lose an ally

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: Rift widens with new US allegations, blunt threat


Admiral Mullen directly accused the ISI of supporting the Haqqani Network; Pakistan’s defense and interior ministers denied the charges. Pakistan placed the founder of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi under 10 days of house arrest. The Taliban killed five Pakistanis in Bajaur and two more in Khyber.


Afghanistan’s Abdullah Abdullah: The Taliban Does Not Believe In Peace Talks

Admiral Mullen: Pakistani ISI sponsoring Haqqani attacks

During a Senate hearing today, Admiral Michael Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, highlighted the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence Agency’s role in sponsoring the Haqqani Network – including attacks on American forces in Afghanistan and the US Embassy in Kabul.


Tahawwur Rana wants new trial in Mumbai terror case


“Gunmen” killed 29 Shia in Mastung. Eight “militants” and a solider were killed after Taliban fighters attacked a checkpoint in Arakzai. Security forces detained 15 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan.


Reporters Without Borders condemns restrictions on journalists in Abbottabad


The Taliban killed six policemen and a civilian in a suicide attack on the home of a senior police official in Karachi. Five civilians were killed in a bombing at a CD shop in Peshawar. The Taliban assassinated a tribal leader in Mohmand and torched three fuel tankers in Mastung.