Tag Archives: Pakistan


Intelligence reports indicate that the Taliban are regrouping in Baluchistan province. The military is setting up checkposts in Dir to prevent cross-border attacks from Afghanistan.


Leading News Resource of Pakistan – US seeks to increase flow of military goods via Uzbekistan


Taliban regrouping in Balochistan, say intelligence reports


Pakistan Deploys Troops to stop Cross-Border Attacks from Afghanistan


Thirty-four Lashkar-e-Islam fighters and four Pakistani troops were killed during fighting in Khyber. US Secretary of State Clinton said Pakistan must move against the Haqqani Network safe havens in North Waziristan.


General Kayani said a US incursion into North Waziristan is unlikely, and suggested that the US focus on problems in Afghanistan and not Pakistan. The military killed six Taliban fighters in Kurram.


US attack in North Waziristan unlikely: General Kayani


General Kayani said he is open to conducting peace talks with the Taliban. Prime Minister Gilani said the Taliban can keep their weapons but Interior Minister Malik said they must lay down their arms first.