Tag Archives: North Korea

North Korea

Japan, Acting to Calm US Worries, Rules Out Building Nuclear Arms

North Korea

The U.S. has confirmed North Korea conducted a sub-kiloton nuclear test last week, and is concerned a second is on the way. China will conduct inspections of shipments from North Korea, but with restrictions.

North Korea

Japanese policy boss urges talks on bomb – Japan is considering a nuclear weapons program

North Korea

The United Nations Security Council has agreed on sanctions against North Korea, but has ruled out the use of force. Japan is considering additional sanctions. North Korea has denounced the security council resolution as “gangster.”

North Korea

A test indicates North Korea did attempt a nuclear detonation: “We don’t think they were trying to fake a nuclear test, but it may have been a nuclear fizzle.” The United Nations Security Council will vote on sanctions on Saturday.

North Korea

North Korea threatens war with the U.S. if sanctions are imposed. South Korea’s ‘sunshine policy™ is now in jeopardy (reported here first on Oct. 9.) North Korea has threatened to conduct further nuclear tests. Japan has announced tough unilateral sanctions.

North Korea: Special Edition of Global Crisis Watch

North Korea has detonated its first nuclear device, sending the international community into a crisis over how to respond. The debate over possible sanctions and even a blockade has begun in the United Nations. There are questions about whether the test was successful or not due to the yield of the explosion, but regardless the […]

North Korea

Initial reports of a second nuclear test have not been confirmed. Indications are North Korea is preparing a second test. South Korea has placed its troops on alert. China has cancelled leave and recalled troops serving on the North Korean border. Russia has indicated use of force has been excluded from the UN resolution. The […]

North Korea Tests Nuclear Weapon

North Korea joins the nuclear club Red Star indicates location of test, based on USGS seismic reports. Click map to view. North Korea has successfully tested its first nuclear weapon. The Korean Central News Agency, the mouthpiece of the regime, has reported the test took place. “The nuclear test is a historic event that brought […]

North Korea

North Korea reports a successful nuclear test, despite the multi-lateral message that the test “cannot be tolerated.” Some fear that North Korea’s test will serve as an example to harden Iran’s resolve on nuclear development.