Tag Archives: Nigeria


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen attacked and burned the town of Damboa in Borno state, killing “scores” of residents. The military had left Damboa unprotected after a July 6 Boko Haram attack on a police station and army camp in the town. Witnesses said a Christian clergyman who was shot during a Boko Haram attack in […]


Suspected Boko Haram militants killed over 27 people in Sabon Gari in Borno state. Police arrested Mohammed Zakari, 30, a top Boko Haram operative and self-professed “chief butcher,” along with other insurgents fleeing counterterrorism operations in Balmo forest in Bauchi state. Aminu Ogwuche, a key planner of the Boko Haram the bombing at Nyanya, was […]

Boko Haram leader fires back at Twitter campaign

In a new video claiming responsibility for recent attacks, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau mocked the campaign to bring the kidnapped girls back, while threatening local leaders and calling for the release of Boko Haram members currently held in Nigerian prisons. A Nigerian military airstrike attempted to counter the latest Boko Haram attack in Borno state.


Police announced the discovery of a Boko Haram plot to bomb motor parks in Abuja, the capital city. Boko Haram issued a video taking credit for recent bombings in Lagos that the government had blamed on gas leaks, mocking attempts to rescue the kidnapped schoolgirls, and stating support for the leaders of the Islamic State, […]


Recent attacks on more than seven villages in Kaduna state by suspected “Fulani herdsmen” have killed at least 160 people and displaced over 24,000. The military claimed that during “mopping up operations” in Balmo forest it has discovered underground Boko Haram armories containing weapons, explosives, and military uniforms.


The government has begun investigating links between several politicians and terrorist activities in the Balmo forest in Bauchi and Jigawa states, where security forces conducted a clearing operation over the weekend. Two former military heads of state met with President Jonathan and Adamawa governor Murtala Nyako and in an effort to stave off impeachment proceedings […]


Some 200 heavily armed Boko Haram heavily gunmen stormed Damboa in Borno state yesterday, killing at least 12 soldiers, four policemen, and four civilians, and destroying the police headquarters as well as homes and shops. Security forces and aircraft responded to the attack, reportedly killing 50 terrorists. Boko Haram also carried out a suicide car […]


A suicide car bombing in Maiduguri in Borno killed over 50 people, including 16 vigilante youth, and wounded 68 others. A bombing in Asikolaye in Kaduna wounded two people and damaged shops and cars. Boko Haram fighters yesterday stormed the Borno village of Shani, bombing and torching the police station, homes, and shops. A member […]


Boko Haram militants armed with explosives and guns attacked several churches in Borno state near Chibok, slaughtering “dozens” of men, women, and children, and burning at least three churches to the ground. The governor of Lagos state urged vigilance following a recent car bombing in Apapa. A witness to the June 27 bombing at a […]


Goodluck Jonathan: Nothing is more important than bringing home Nigeria’s missing girls


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen in military uniforms attacked a hotel in Bauchi’s red light district last night, killing 14 people and injuring 28 more; one suspect was arrested. Police discovered 13 IEDs in a car parked in front of a mosque in Kano. President Jonathan admitted that the Boko Haram insurgency has curtailed his travels […]


A suspected Boko Haram bombing at a shopping center in an upscale part of Abuja killed at least 21 people and injured 17 more. The blast set the center ablaze and more victims are feared trapped inside. Authorities said the attackers arrived by motorbike; soldiers reportedly shot and killed one of the bombers and arrested […]


Suspected Boko Haram fighters raided Kumanza, Yaga, and Dagu villages in Borno, abducting 91 people, including more than 60 women. A witness said villagers were held hostage for several days before the abductions. About 30 villagers were said to have been killed in the raids. Four suspected Boko Haram members were arrested yesterday in the […]


A suspected Boko Haram bombing at a medical school in Kano killed at least eight people. A Boko Haram suicide car bombing hit a military post in Gwoza in Borno yesterday, killing three soldiers and injuring three more. The Igbo sociopolitical organization Obigbo warned Boko Haram that any attack in Nigeria’s southeast will be met […]


A convoy of suspected Boko Haram fighters wearing military uniforms stormed the Borno state village of Koronginim, near Chibok, killing many residents and torching houses. The military claimed that a Boko Haram leader who headed a terrorist cell in Plateau state was killed in a shootout with security forces. A number of Jigawa state lawmakers […]


The military said 219 of the 276 Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in April are still missing. During the attack, an additional 119 girls managed to avoid being abducted by the terror group, and 57 girls subsequently escaped their captors. A southern delegate noted the recent arrest of 486 suspected Boko Haram members traveling […]


The military claimed that among 486 “travellers” arrested in Abia state who were riding in a “suspicious” convoy of over 30 buses was a wanted Boko Haram kingpin. A Northern Nigerian Traders leader claimed that the suspects were patriotic Nigerian traders. Eight women were among the 486 suspected Boko Haram members detained. A suspected Boko […]