Tag Archives: Nigeria


A group called Tawheed Intiative for Good Governance and Accountability (TIGA) has accused the Nigerian government of endorsing the mass killing of innocent men, women and children during the Boko Haram crisis. TIGA charged Umaru Musa Yar™Adua’s of avoiding a peaceful conclusion to the crisis and supporting the mass murder of civilians by ordering authorities […]


A member of Boko Haram claimed he spent three months in an Afghan camp and was trained as a bomb expert. He was to train five members of Boko Haram to make bombs but fled the group after he was not paid $35,000 as promised.


Thirty members of Boko Haram have been captured outside Yola, the capital of the state of Adamawa. Ten members said they have received bomb-making training in Afghanistan. The Boko Haram members have eluded the police since the uprising in late July that was responsible for 800 deaths. Boko Haram has stated that it will avenge […]


Nearly 1,250 Darul-Islam sect members were deported from Minna in Niger State to their respective Nigerian states of origin. Many members were sent to Sokoto and Kano states. They were escorted by police to ensure that they had safe passage.


Three hundred suspected members of Darul Islam, including women and children, have been deported to neighboring Niger. The deportation of the Islamic sect members is likely the beginning of the expulsion of illegal aliens participating in the Islamic sect based in Mokwa in northern Nigeria. Three thousand members of Darul Islam were detained last Saturday […]


Police detained hundreds of members of the Darul Islam sect during a raid on a compound in the town of Mokwa in northeastern Nigeria. More than 3,000 members of the sect established their own community to separate them from society and practice Islamic beliefs. Police were concerned about members of the sect who originated from […]


The father-in-law of Mohammad Yusuf, the slain former leader of Boko Haram, is feared dead by his family after he voluntarily surrendered to Nigerian police after receiving word that he was wanted. Yusuf™s father-in-law, a wealthy Nigerian, helped fund the construction of Boko Haram™s mosque and headquarters compound.


Mohammed Yusuf, the slain former leader of the “Nigerian Taliban” sect called Boko Haram, ordered the beheading of three Christian pastors during the uprising earlier this month. Witnesses said Yusuf had become enraged after the pastors had refused to convert to Islam and one had preached the gospel to Yusuf.


A top security official revealed that the Nigerian State Security Service (SSS) sent the President, prominent government officials, state governors, and pertaining security agencies 17 reports between July 14 and 17 warning that Boko Haram was poised to attack. The reports went unheeded, and Boko Haram™s uprising led to violence that claimed over 700 lives.


Prominent imams and Colonel Ahanotu, who led military operations that defeated Boko Haram, accused Nigerian authorities of ignoring their pleas to take action against the radical Islamist group long before the sect™s violent uprising. “I complained a lot of times, I was just waiting for orders,” Ahanotu charged. The sect’s uprising is responsible for more […]


Nigerian opposition slams anti-Boko Haram offensive


Nigerian officials ignored warnings about violent sect


Nigerian police arrested 36 suspected members of Boko Haram in Zuba. Two members were Niger nationals. Almost 600 people have been killed in the violence engulfing more than 4 states in northern Nigeria.

Nigerian Taliban leader killed in custody

Mohammad Yusuf, the leader of Boko Haram, was killed after being detained by Nigerian police, who claimed he had been attempting to escape. Yusuf had led the group responsible for the Islamist uprising in Northern Nigeria.


Mohammad Yusuf, the leader of Boko Haram, has been killed by government forces in Maiduguri, northern Nigeria. Some reports say he was killed trying to escape from police custody after being detained, but others say he died trying to escape from a shootout with Nigerian police forces.


Mohammad Yusufi, Boko Haram™s leader, and a number of his followers have fled their stronghold in Maiduguri as the Nigerian military seeks to “contain them once and for all.” The Nigerian military overran Yusufi™s compound and home along with the mosque the group has been using as a hideout. Upwards of 300 people, including women […]


Police have freed over 180 women and children being held by Doko Haram in Maiduguri. Heavy fighting continues in Maiduguri as security forces seek to dislodge the Islamists from their hideouts, including sect leader Mohammad Yusufi™s home and compound headquarters. Papers lifted from the bodies of killed Islamists indicate that many may originate from Chad […]


Latest reports indicate that police forces have besieged Islamist fighters in northern Nigeria at their stronghold in a district of Maiduguri. “President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua has ordered national security agencies to take all necessary action to contain and repel the sad and shocking attacks by extremists,” a written statement by the Nigerian government stated.


The death toll in northern Nigeria continues to rise as Islamists attack police stations and neighboring buildings throughout northern Nigeria; 150, many of them Islamist fighters, have been reported killed. The violence has spread from the city of Bauchi to the cities of Wudil, Potiskum, and Maiduguri. The Islamists are reported to be targeting civilians […]


Clashes between Islamist fighters and police in Bauchi have left 39 of the fighters dead and 15 injured; 156 members were also arrested. A battle ensued when the Islamists, who aim to impose Shariah Law throughout the 12 states of predominantly Muslim northern Nigeria, assaulted a police station.


A Nigerian Federal High Court in Abuja, granted bail to Mohammed Ashafa, charged by the Nigerian government for allegedly associating with an al Qaeda group and planning to harm American interests in Nigeria. Nigeria began training its first group of specialist anti-terrorism police.

Al Qaeda

Nigeria: Islamic Body Seeks Release of Suspected Al-Qaeda Members


Nigerians trained in Al-Qaeda Algerian camps face trial