Tag Archives: Nigeria


Boko Haram fighters killed three police officers in two separate incidents in Bauchi state. Boko Haram fighters first killed one policeman, then killed two more during an assault on a police checkpoint. The Nigerian army is being sent to Maiduguri in an attempt to tame the insurgency.


Boko Haram Islamists have assaulted a police station in Borno, injuring four police officers on duty. The assailants used locally made explosives before opening fire on the Gamboru Police Station in Maiduguri.


Suspected Boko Haram fighters killed an Islamic cleric in Maiduguri. Six Kalashnikov-armed Islamists assaulted the home of Sheikh Bashir Mustapha, a cleric who opposed the radical group, and killed him and his personal assistant. The cleric is the first local religious leader targeted by the Islamist group.


Suspected Boko Haram members killed two people and wounded others in the northern city of Maiduguri. Gunmen on motorbikes shot dead a police officer and a senior opposition politician. No one has been arrested in connection to the recent deaths of 15 people, including 10 police officers, in shootings blamed on Boko Haram.


Suspected Boko Haram fighters attacked and killed a man and wounded another in Maiduguri, Borno. Two gunmen on a motorcycle killed a kolanut trader and a grain seller sitting in front of a mosque. It is suspected that they were targeting a ward head at the location.


Police arrested two suspected Boko Haram members in Jos. The suspectes were waiting in a crowd for the arrival of the presidential candidate Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. One of the men admitted to being a member of a guerrilla group.


Authorities arrested 10 Boko Haram members in Maiduguri who were involved in the killing of nine police officers and officials. Two men linked to the Boko Haram jailbreak attack have been arrested. One hundred and twenty prisoners who fled during the Bauchi jailbreak have returned voluntarily to their cells.


Boko Haram fighters raided a prison in the town of Bauchi, freeing more than 800 inmates, including 200 Boko Haram members. Upwards of 50 Boko Haram members stormed the prison armed with AK-47s and killed four people, including two bodyguards, and wounded four others. Thirteen people have been arrested in connection with the raid.


Suspected Boko Haram Islamists in Borno State killed a retired police officer at his home in Bama and a trader during an attack on a district head’s house in Maiduguri. In the last month, 12 people, including seven police, have been killed by Boko Haram.


Investigators believe the radical Islamist sect Boko Haram is responsible for the targeted killings of three policemen in the north. Two Boko Haram members were detained for downloading propaganda from the group’s slain leader.


Imam Abubakar Shekau, the acting leader of Boko Haram, has issued an online statement praising Al Qaeda and offered condolences to Al Qaeda of Iraq’s loss of Abu Ayyub al Masri and Abu Omar al Baghdadi. “Do not think jihad is over,” Shekau said. “Rather jihad has just begun. O America, die with your fury.”


The deputy leader of Boko Haram has released a 25-minute video interview with a journalist in his hideout. Imam Abubakar Shekau was the second in command to Mohammad Yusuf and is now thought to be hiding in Maiduguri. He has “assumed leadership to continue in the pursuit of religious knowledge.”


Borno state has banned the radical Islamic sect, Boko Haram, from its territory. The governor outlawed the sect because of its danger to good governance and its engagement in illegal activities. Borno state was the center of Boko Haram’s violence throughout northern Nigeria in July 2009 that led to the deaths of more than 800 […]


The Nigerian senate has given its overwhelming support to the country’s first terrorism bill. The bill will define terrorist acts in a number of categories, including: hostile acts, hijackings, weapon proliferation and transportation, and circulating information to induce panic and evoke harm. The bill may be passed this legislative quarter. Violence in the south and […]

Al Qaeda

Underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab: New video of training, martyrdom statements


Police are on high alert in Maiduguri in the state of Borno after suspected Boko Haram members sent text messages threatening an attack. Authorities are watching the movement of suspicious people in the Nigerian states bordering Chad, Niger, and Cameroon.


A spokesman for the radical Islamist group Boko Haram threatened to attack the US and the West. “Islam doesn’t recognize international boundaries, we will carry out our operations anywhere in the world if we can have the chance,” Musa Tanko told AFP. He also said the US “is the number one target.”


A video released at Ansar al Mujahideen forum website encouraged Nigerians to wage jihad against Christians. “The solution is jihad in the cause of Allah,” the speaker said. “Negotiations, dialogues and protests will not stop the advancement of the enemies and their massacres. Nothing will stop them but the sword and the spear.”