Tag Archives: Nigeria


Five Boko Haram fighters died in a premature detonation as they attempted to plant a roadside bomb in Biu. The district is one of five in the north under a state of emergency.

Boko Haram

Nigeria: Government Opens Secret Detention Centre for Boko Haram


The US said that Boko Haram is planning to conduct attacks in Abuja, “including against hotels frequently visited by Westerners.” “Gunmen” killed a police inspector and a former customs official in Maiduguri.


Soldiers from the Joint Task Force killed one Boko Haram fighter and detained 13 others during raids in the northern city of Maiduguri. Troops also found IEDs and weapons.


Boko Haram fighters killed two people in a shooting in Maiduguri and wounded three more in an IED attack in Kano. Security forces arrested 50 foreign nationals from Niger, Chad, and Mali after Boko Haram threatened the government.


Boko Haram reportedly executed Mohammed Anwal Kontagora, its new spokesman. Kontagora, who assumed the name of Abu Qaqa, is said to had been killed for plans to defect.


“Gunmen” killed two people near a soccer match in Potiskum just days after Boko Haram warned people not to attend such events. The spokesman for the Niger Delta Liberation Force said it would “resist violently” any attempt by Boko Haram to assassinate President Goodluck.


Boko Haram released a video of its emir, Abubakar Shekau, on YouTube. In the video, Shekau mocked President Goodluck for claiming the government can defeat Boko Haram within three months.


The death toll in yesterday’s suicide attack near a Christian church in Kaduna rose to 36; a suicide bomber carried out the attack. the The Joint Military Task Force defused a car bomb in Kano.


Boko Haram killed more than 20 people and wounded dozens more in several bombings outside of a church in Kaduna on Easter day. A suicide bomber appears to have been deployed as part of the attack.


A prominent Shia sheikh said the US and the CIA are behind the bombings in northern Nigeria. The US and the United Kingdom issued travel advisories for citizens visiting Nigeria.


Boko Haram fighters opened fire at a crowded market in Maiduguri, killing seven people. The State Security Services arrested four people and seized 60 IEDs in Gombe.


Nine Boko Haram fighters and one soldier were killed after security forces raided a bomb factory in Ihima in Kogi state. Two security personnel were also wounded during the clash.


Boko Haram fighters killed four people and robbed a bank in Askira in Borno state. The US said it would boost aid to northern Nigeria.


Boko Haram fighters gunned down a police inspector as he was shopping at a market in Maiduguri. Boko Haram fighters overran a police station in Damagun in Yobe state.


Security forces killed four Boko Haram fighters in Maiduguri. President Goodluck Jonathan claimed that the Boko Haram will be defeated “in the middle of this year.”


Security forces detained five men, including a Mauritanian, who are suspected of having ties to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb; the men are linked to the kidnapping of a German. Boko Haram fighters killed two retired prison officers in Maiduguri; one of the men is reportedly the father of Abul Qaqa, the group’s spokesman.


At least two Boko Haram fighters killed themselves while detonating their explsoives-packed car as security forces raided their home in Kano. Twelve women and children were present in the home when the car exploded.

Al Qaeda

Kidnap claim shows 2 terror groups now operating in Nigeria’s increasingly violent north


Boko Haram killed a Muslim cleric and two others in Maiduguri. The Joint Task Force killed a Boko Haram fighter during a shootout in Maiduguri.


The Joint Task Force killed nine Boko Haram fighters and detained two more during a clash in the town of Tudun Wada Dakadai in Kano state. Boko Haram fighters attacked a police station and a bank in the town.


Boko Haram said it would not participate in further talks with the government and that it would continue to wage jihad to establish sharia law in the country. “We have closed all possible doors for negotiation,” said spokesman Abu Qaqa.


Talks between the government and Boko Haram have stalled after details of the negotiations were leaked to the press. The head of the Supreme Council for Shariah in Nigeria, who served as the mediator between the two, has resigned and blamed the government for talking to the press.


Boko Haram killed 10 people, including a priest, in an attack on a church in the Kufara area of Kaduna state. Archbishop Kaigama of Jos urged the government not to negotiate with Boko Haram.