Tag Archives: Nigeria


A suicide bomber killed three civilians in a failed attempt to target a vehicle belonging to the Joint Task Force in Maiduguri. An Islamic scholar called on the national assembly to legalize sharia law.


Twenty Boko Haram fighters and a soldier were killed yesterday during a raid in Maiduguri. Police killed two Boko Haram fighters in a raid in Damaturu. A security guard was killed in a shooting outside of a church in Gombe.


The Joint Task Force detained several suspect Boko Haram fighters and seized weapons caches during raids in Maiduguri and Jere. Police arrested 20 suspects in the church massacre in Kogi.


The US offered to help Nigeria establish an “intelligence fusion cell” to monitor information from various governmental agencies, coordinate counterterrorism efforts, and serve as a contact for foreign intelligence services. The Christian Association of Nigeria complained that the US State Department has distorted and misrepresented facts about the gravity of the Islamist threat in the […]


Suspected Boko Haram militants fired at a police patrol van near a mosque in Okene, killing two policemen. One gunman was killed in the clash. Gunmen killed 19 worshipers at a church in Okene yesterday.


A suspected Boko Haram attack on a church near Okene in southern Nigeria left 19 dead, including the pastor, and wounded many others. Gunmen with Kalashnikovs stormed the church and shot worshipers, many of whom tried to flee into the bush. Most Boko Haram attacks so far have taken place in the northern part of […]


A suicide bomber killed five soldiers in an attack in Damaturu. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau labeled US President Obama a “global terrorist” and called on Nigerian President Goodluck to “repent.”


Security forces arrested a Boko Haram fighter during a raid on an IED factory in Kaduna. Explosions were heard in Maiduguri as the Joint Task Force conducted raids against Boko Haram.


A Boko Haram suicide bomber wounded several people in a failed attack outside of a mosque in Potiskum. The target of the attack was the senior traditional leader of Muslims in Yobe state.


Boko Haram claimed credit for suicide attacks on police stations in Sokoto and an assault on the vice president’s home in Kaduna. The Joint Task Force killed two Boko Haram fighters in Borno.


“Gunmen” opened fire on Vice President Namadi Sambo’s home in Zaria in Kaduna state. A civilian was killed as police and the attackers fought outside the home.


A suicide bomber killed a policeman in an attack at a government office in Sokoto. Eight people, including four Boko Haram fighters and two soldiers, were killed in attacks in Kano.


Two Boko Haram fighters were killed after attacking a Joint Task Force vehicle in Maiduguri. Security forces detained 25 suspected Boko Haram members after the attack.


Boko Haram fighters killed four people, including two policemen, during an attack on a police station in Gubio. the police station and a local government office were burned down during the attack.


Suspected Boko Haram fighters in Maiduguri attacked a government office, a police station, and a factory. Two Indians at the factory were killed, and one more was wounded. Another civilian and at least two policemen were also killed in the attacks.


The leader of the Middle Belt Youths Focus warned that it would retaliate if Boko Haram and allied Muslim herdsmen continue to attack Christians. The Joint Military Task Force ended operations in Jos that sought to root out those conducting attacks in the region.

Al Qaeda

Tony Blair: ‘The West is asleep on the issue of Islamist extremism’


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen killed two people at a market in Maiduguri. The government lifted a state of emergency that was imposed in four northern provinces affected by the Boko Haram insurgency.


A student was killed in a bombing outside of a government office in Jos. One person was killed in an attack outside of an Islamic school in Jos. Police found a bomb factory in Kogi.


A female politician was murdered in Maiduguri. A car bomb was detonated near a church in Kogi; one person was detained in connection with the attack.


A suicide bomber killed five people in an attack at a mosque in Maiduguri on Friday. The attack appears to have targeted a senior Muslim leader and the deputy governor of Borno state.

Al Qaeda

Destroying Timbuktu: The Jihadist who Inspires the Demolition of the Shrines


The al Qaeda-linked Boko Haram claimed the recent attacks on Christian villages near Jos that killed at least 58 people, saying that Christians “will not know peace again” until they accept Islam. Blame had initially fallen on Muslim herdsmen, and there is speculation that Boko Haram may have “acted with local communities.”


Scores of armed men, some in police uniforms and bulletproof vests, attacked Christian villages near Jos, killing 14 civilians and two policemen; 21 attackers also died. A military spokesman blamed Muslim cattle herders in the area for the attacks, but they denied responsibility.