Tag Archives: Nigeria


Boko Haram fighters reportedly killed 23 people in a series of attacks in the northeastern city of Potiskum. Several buildings were also destroyed in the fighting.


The Joint Task Force claimed it killed 24 Boko Haram fighters during operations in Maiduguri. Explosions and gunfire have been reported in Potiskum.


Boko Haram militants executed coordinated bomb attacks against military targets in Maiduguri, shot a traffic warden, and set a school and radio tower on fire. The army reported that three militants were killed, four arrested, and a police officer wounded; additional casualties are expected. Police detonated a bomb found near a cybercafe in Minna in […]


“Gunmen” killed more than 20 Muslims after opening fire outside of a mosque in Kaduna. Officials claimed that the gunmen were dressed in police uniforms and were “armed robbers.”


Thirty-two bodies were left at a morgue in Maiduguri following a clash yesterday, and additional bodies were taken to another morgue. Most of the dead were said to be civilians killed in a retaliatory attack by military forces after an officer was killed by Boko Haram militants.


Thirty people were killed in heavy fighting in Maiduguri. The military claimed that 30 Boko Haram fighters were killed, while a report indicated that the military opened fire on civilians after a lieutenant was killed in a bombing. Police killed a Boko Haram field commander and three fighters in Damaturu.


The Joint Task Force killed four suspected Boko Haram fighters and detained 11 more during a raid in Damaturu. Police detained an an immigration officer in Maiduguri for ties to Boko Haram.


The deputy registrar at Federal Polytechnic Mubi, who also serves as the security chief, said he saw no evidence that Sunday’s attack that killed 40 people was related to an election at the campus. Some officials believe Boko Haram carried out the attack.


“Gunmen” killed 26 people at a university in Mubi. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said the group would begin targeting government officials in the north. Police detained a bomber in Jos.


Boko Haram is suspected of torching an Islamic college in Maiduguri. Police raided a bomb factory in Kano; two Boko Haram members were detained in the raid.


The Joint Task Force killed 35 Boko Haram fighters during clashes in Damaturu on Sunday and Monday. Sixty suspected Boko Haram fighters were also detained during the operation.


A suicide bomber killed a woman and a child in an attack at a Catholic church in Bauchi. The government imposed a curfew in Damaturu and Potiskum as security forces search for Boko Haram operatives.


Boko Haram fighters assassinated the attorney general of the state of Borno. In Bauchi, Boko Haram fighters killed the former chief of the prison service.


Security officials said that Abul Qaqa and another senior Boko Haram leader may have been killed during a raid in Kano. Abdul Qaqa has been reported killed and captured in the past.


Anti-American Protests Over Film Expand to More Than a Dozen Countries


Security forces detained 11 suspected Boko Haram fighters and found a cache of explosives during a raid in Maiduguri. Security has been increased at the US Embassy.


Boko Haram gunmen attacked a military checkpoint in Maiduguri; troops killed seven militants in return fire and arrested 13 more. The remaining gunmen fled. Police will guard mobile phone masts after 24 of them were destroyed by Boko Haram, which said the masts were used to track its fighters.


Suspected Boko Haram militants destroyed at least 24 mobile phone masts in the northern Nigerian cities of Kano, Maiduguri, Gombe, and Bauchi, the first such attacks by the group. Boko Haram gunmen also killed 16 people, including a Yobe state government official in Damaturu.


Boko Haram is suspected of killing a government official and a law professor in Maiduguri. Both men were shot in the head. Boko Haram has not commented on the attack.


Suspected Boko Haram fighters killed a policeman and two civilians, and burned down a police station and a church in New Marte. “Terrorists’ killed two civilians in Maiduguri.


The governor of Yobe urged the residents of Damaturu, the state capital, not to flee in the face of the Boko Haram threat. The government said that Algeria and Mauritania are needed to resolve the Islamist takeover of northern Mali.


Personal records and data for over 60 members of Nigeria’s domestic intelligence agency were posted on the Internet. Boko Haram mentioned the data in a recent threat. The al Qaeda-linked group has already killed over 660 people in Nigeria this year.

Boko Haram

Nigeria: How Boko Haram Activities Destroy Economy of the North


Police arrested a governor’s aide and four other people suspected of being involved in a church massacre in Kogi state. One person was wounded in an IED attack in Jos.