Tag Archives: Nigeria


Security forces killed 14 suspected members of Boko Haram during a raid on a house in Kano; a woman and child were said to be among the dead. Gunmen killed a policeman in Borno state, and a telecommunications mast was burned down near Damboa.


Officials said more than 50 people have been killed near the central city of Jos over the past week in clashes between Muslims and Christians. Last night, gunmen armed with assault rifles attacked the village of Ratas for two hours before fleeing.


The Joint Task Force raided a “militant” compound in Kano and uncovered a massive weapons cache; the “chief armorer” was killed and another militant was captured. A British national who was kidnapped in Lagos last week has been freed.


“Gunmen” killed 28 people, including a police officer, in Plateau. The director of Defense information said Boko Haram is “fighting their last battle.”


Boko Haram fighters killed a policeman and torched a police station and communications towers in Bara in Yobe state. Police raided a suspected hideout for Chadian and Malian “terrorists” in Lagos.


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen killed at least 25 people in four simultaneous attacks in Ganye in Adamawa state near the border with Cameroon. In the coordinated assault, the assailants attacked a bar, a bank, a prisoner warder, and a prison, freeing prisoners and setting fire to a police station, a prison, and several hotels and […]


The death toll in Monday’s suicide attacks in Kano has risen to more than 70. Britain has pledged to help Nigeria with terrorism issues in the north.

Boko Haram

Northern Nigerians adapt to life under the gun of Islamist militants


A pair of suicide bombers killed 22 people in an attack at a bus station in Kano. Six members of the Joint Task Force were killed in an IED attack in Maiduguri.


Boko Haram fighters chanting “”Allahu Akbar” in Arabic assaulted a prison in Gwoza in Borno with IEDs and molotov cocktails. All of the inmates escaped from the prison; the guards did not put up any resistance.

Boko Haram

US: Islamic extremists moving freely between Nigeria, Mali, raising terror attack fears


The Ansar al-Muslimeen in the Land of Black Africans (Ansaru) announced that it executed seven foreign hostages who were kidnapped last month. The Islamist group blamed rescue attempts by the British and Nigerian governments for the decision to kill the hostages. President Jonathan told Borno state elders he would not withdraw security forces unless the […]


Boko Haram fighters attacked a military base in Monguno, killing at least 20 people; a military spokesman claimed that 20 “Boko Haram terrorists” had been killed. In a recent video, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau vowed to continue attacks until an Islamic state is established in Nigeria, and disavowed any connection to a “Sheikh Mohammed […]


The al Qaeda-linked Boko Haram released a video showing the French family kidnapped in Cameroon last week. Boko Haram threatened to kill the hostages, and demanded the release of male Boko Haram members being held prisoner in Cameroon and female members held in Nigeria. Gunmen killed an Adamawa monarch in Maiduguri.


Gunmen kidnapped a professor in Maiduguri a day after suspected terrorists and security forces had clashed in the same area. One person died and homes were destroyed in a clash between Muslims and Christians at a football pitch in Talaba state. Armed men shot and hacked to death 10 people in Plateau state on Feb. […]

Al Qaeda

French Intervention in Mali Raises Threat of Domestic Terrorism, Judge Says


Nigeria’s claims that an Iran-backed cell was planning attacks on US and Israeli interests as well as former Nigeria officials were rejected by Iran. The allegations were “made up as the result of the ill will of the enemies of the two countries’ good relations,” according to Iran’s deputy foreign minister.


Ansar al-Muslimeen in the Land of Black Africans (Bilad al-Sudan), a Nigerian jihadist group that announced its formation in June 2012, claimed the recent kidnapping of seven foreigners at a construction site in Bauchi. The group said the kidnappings were a response to alleged transgressions against Islam by European countries in “many places such as […]


The Islamist group Ansaru claimed the kidnapping of seven foreign workers at a construction site in the northern state of Bauchi on Feb. 17. The group first blew up two vehicles at a police station in Jama’are, then moved on to the Setraco construction site, killing a guard before taking the seven hostages. Another police […]


Boko Haram is suspected of kidnapping a Briton, an Italian, a Greek and four Lebanese workers from a construction site in Bauchi. The military is establishing a task force to deal with terrorist attacks.


The Kano state police commissioner ordered the arrest of three journalists at Wazobia FM radio after nine polio vaccination workers were killed on Feb. 8, accusing the journalists of broadcasting comments that sparked the attacks. One of the journalists was released today. There is no evidence linking the broadcast to the murders.

Al Qaeda

Timbuktu: al-Qaeda’s terrorist training academy in the Mali desert


Three Korean doctors on contract to the Yobe state ministry were murdered in front of their wives at their homes in Potiskum; one of the men was beheaded. Boko Haram is suspected.