Tag Archives: Niger

Al Qaeda

Threat Level Rising: How African Terrorist Groups Inspired by al-Qaeda Are Gaining Strength


International Criminal Court demands Libya hand over captured Saif al-Islam

Al Qaeda

Algeria: 900 mosques, prayer halls shut for ‘national security’


Niger grants asylum to Saadi Qaddafi; denies finding any surface-to-air missiles


The military killed three al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters during clashes near the Libyan border. The military released 59 “young fighters” who belong to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


Reports Say Loyalists Are Fleeing From Libya to Niger


Dozens of ships fleeing Benin waters due to piracy: navy


Police suspect al Qaeda was involved in a bombing at a Peoples Democratic Party rally in Suleja two weeks ago that killed 11 people. Police found information on a suspect’s cell phone that may link him to the terror group.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed it is responsible for the kidnapping of two Frenchman in the capital of Niamey. The two men were killed during a raid by French commandos along the Niger-Mali border.