Tag Archives: Morocco


A court in Rabat arraigned 12 members of a cell dismantled in December that recruited Moroccans for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The cell, based in Fez, included a man who had been extradited from Algeria in 2005 for trying to join the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.

More on Ansar al Sharia in Morocco

Morocco’s interior minister said that an Ansar al Sharia cell in Morocco “was seeking to obtain financial and military support” from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).


A terrorist cell dismantled on Nov. 24 was found to have recruited fighters for Libya as well as for Mali; al Qaeda facilitated the fighters’ travel through the Algerian-Moroccan border to the Sahel region. The influx of Islamist fighters in the Sahel includes Tunisians, Libyans, Europeans, Sudanese, Pakistanis, and a number of Mauritanians, among others.


Police broke up an al Qaeda cell that was recruiting fighters and smuggling them across the Algerian border into Mali, where they would join either Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb or the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO). One of the arrested men was a Moroccan sent back from Mali to […]

Moroccan government dismantled ‘Ansar al Sharia’ terrorist cell

The Moroccan Interior Ministry announced earlier this month that it had disrupted planned terrorist attacks by an organization calling itself Ansar al Sharia in the Islamic Maghreb. The group allegedly sought the support of al Qaeda’s allies in northern Mali, and reportedly partnered with an unnamed Egyptian from the Sinai.


Security forces arrested nine “terrorists” in the Rif mountains who were establishing a training camp and explosives factory. Al Qaeda’s black banner was seized during the raid.


Thami Najim, a citizen of Denmark and Morocco, was sentenced to only 10 months in prison on terrorism charges. He and two other suspects were arrested in February for planning terror attacks against the Moroccan state. He is said to be a webmaster and IT provider for the Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir. Morocco refused to […]


Salafi clerics back death threat against Moroccan calling for legalizing sex outside marriage


Salafi clerics back death threat against Moroccan calling for legalizing sex outside marriage


A “terrorist network” active in several cities and linked to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb was broken up, a Moroccan security official said. The leader of the “Mujahideen of Morocco,” who has links to AQIM’s network in other countries, was detained.


New Arab order: In Morocco, uproar over marriage law tests Islamist government