Tag Archives: lebanon


Sirajeddine Zureiqat, said to be the new emir of the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades, urged followers to attack the “puppetmaster” Hezbollah, not the Lebanese Army. Syrian terrorist suspects Ahmad Atef Jenayat and Saleh Mohammad Halloum were referred to the judiciary; Jenayat is linked to a June suicide bombing plot involving slain facilitator Monzer al […]

Lebanese soldier defects to al Qaeda’s Syrian branch

The Al Nusrah Front has announced that a Lebanese soldier, Mohammed Antar, has defected to the jihadist group. Al Nusrah has released a photo and video of Antar, which are part of the organization’s ongoing propaganda campaign against Iran, Hezbollah, and the Lebanese government.


The US condemned the Hezbollah bomb attack on Oct. 7 that wounded two Israeli soldiers in the Shebaa Farms area near an Israeli outpost. Lebanon accused Israel of shelling with cluster bombs in response to the attack. Hezbollah clashed with the Al Nusrah Front in the Qalamoun area near the Syrian border, reportedly capturing the […]


Clashes erupted at Hezbollah bases from Baalbek to Arsal between Syria-based Al Nusrah Front fighters and Hezbollah forces seeking to repel them; at least 16 Al Nusrah fighters, including commander Mohammed Khalid Hamza Suhaib, and two Hezbollah fighters were said to have been killed. Other reports said the infiltrators were from the Islamic State. The […]


The Army repelled an attempt by gunmen in Wadi Hmeid and al-Masyadeh to infiltrate near Arsal. Jihadists in the area are said to be seeking access to Arsal for food and fuel. Lebanese forces discovered a 50-kilogram bomb set to detonate near a military checkpoint outside Arsal and disabled it. A few days earlier, over […]


The Al Nusrah Front denied reports that it had promised not to execute captive Lebanese troops, and said it has withdrawn from negotiations for their release and will execute captives for any measures taken against Sunnis. The head of the Lebanese Army said the military is pursuing a terrorist cell in Tripoli and expects more […]


Wanted Islamists Shadi al Mawlawi and Osama Abu Mansourd are thought to be forming a group in Tripoli with links to the Islamic State or the Al Nusrah Front. A Tripoli politician reported suspicious activity threatening his home after being criticized in social media by extremist groups. Former premier Saad Hariri said the Syrian National […]


Abou Malek al Talleh, the Al Nusrah Front’s emir for Qalamoun, warned that “jihadists are in their thousands across Lebanon, awaiting the permission to start the battle” and that Al Nusrah has “managed to break all the security barriers in all Lebanese regions,” and he promised a quick solution to inmates of Roumieh Prison. A […]


Sirajuddine Zureiqat, a spokesman for the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, is said to be now involved in the hostage situation involving at least 21 Lebanese troops kidnapped by the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front. Unnamed militants opened fire on three Army checkpoints in Tripoli, wounding a soldier.


Fears in Lebanon rise over Western plans to defeat IS


The Army shelled terrorist positions in Arsal and killed a number of militants. The Al Nusrah Front claimed a suicide car bombing on a Hezbollah checkpoint in Khreibeh near the Syrian border that reportedly killed three people and destroyed a cannon. Al Nusrah released a video of its execution of a captive Lebanese soldier, and […]