Tag Archives: lebanon


UNIFIL rejects Lebanese Army claim of Israeli incursion in South


Fatah al-Islam, a Lebanon based al Qaeda offshoot led by Zarqawi associate Shakir al-Abssi, has 150 fighters and operates unhindered from Palestinian refugee camps. Lebanon claims Fatah Al Islam is Fatah Al Intifada, which is backed by Syrian intelligence.


Syria Denies Arms Crossing Border into Lebanon


Hezbollah has built a new line of defense in southern Lebanon. The Hezbollah defensive line overlooks the Litani river in is just beyond the UNIFIL peacekeeping forces deployed to the south.


Hezbollah forced French military medics to leave the southern Lebanese town


Three were killed and 20 wounded after bombs ripped through two buses in a Christian village. “”Banana-shaped’ bombs weighed between four and seven pounds” and “were packed with metal pellets and placed under seats,” said security officials. “The blasts were minutes apart.”


Nasrallah vows Lebanon will be cemetery of invaders


Three people were killed and 133 wounded in factional fighting yesterday, until the strike was called off last night. PM Siniora announced he would remain in office, and businesses struggle to recover. Siniora also blamed Iran and Syria for the strike. He said of Hezbollah, “The decisions made by the opposition in Lebanon are decisions […]


A Hezbollah-led strike against the government began, paralyzing Lebanon. In December, Hezbollah and its pro-Syrian allies similarly gathered hundreds of thousands to force a change in government. Arutz Sheva reports that one government supporter is dead and nine more are wounded this morning.