Tag Archives: lebanon


The Army found 3 car bombs and confiscated a truckload of weapons belonging to Hezbollah in the Bekaa Valley. Fatah al Islam threatened to expand the fighting in Lebanon. The PLO said Palestinians should provide their own police in the camps.


Heavy fighting between the Lebanese Army and al Qaeda linked Fatah al-Islam continued late Tuesday evening. “Units are now defusing booby-traps and cleansing the buildings and positions that the gunmen abandoned,” according to the Army. Fatah al-Islam denied reports that 7 members surrendered to Fatah.


Ein el-Hilweh Refugee Camp in Lebanon on a Knife Edge


In fight against militants, Lebanon bolstered by US, Gulf countries


As fighting continued for the third day against Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp, fighters from Jund al Sham attacked Lebanese Army soldiers with RPGs near the Ein el-Hilweh camp near Sidon. Three soldiers and 2 civilians were wounded.


The Lebanese Army stormed Fatah al-Islam positions on the outskirts of the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp near Tripoli. “We have encircled the building where the group’s leader, Shaker Abssi, is holed up, and our forces are a 150 meters away,” an unnamed Army officer said. Three soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in today’s fighting.


The Lebanese Army entered the Nahr Al-Bared in force in pursuit of the al Qaeda linked Fatah al-Islam. Two soliders were killed as tanks and armored columns rolled into the camp under the cover of artillery and naval gun fire. “Lebanese security sources said the militants were pinned down in one area.”


Fighting resumed at the Nahr el-Bared Palestinian refugee camp, with Lebanese artillery pounding Fatah al-Islam positions and one soldier dying in the fighting. Lebanese special police arrested a man with links to Fatah al-Islam in Beirut.


Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah warned the Lebanese army not to enter the Nahr el-Bared Palestinian camp to pursue Fatah al-Islam. A spokesman for Fatah al-Islam said the group is “ready to die.” The UNSC is pushing forward with creating a Hariri tribunal despite Russia’s objection.


US resupplies Lebanon army as skirmishes rattles truce


[UPDATE2] The Lebanese Army has resumed fighting against al Qaeda affiliate Fatah al Islam at the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp near Tripoli. Lebanese police killed Bilal Drakish (a.k.a. Abu Jandal), “a prominent militant” as he attempted to throw a hand grenade at police.


A bombing at a Druze village near Beirut wounded 5. Palestinian refugees are fleeing the Nahr Al Bared camp near Tripoli as a cease fire between the Lebanese Army and al Qaeda affiliate Fatah al Islam holds. Lebanese troops have reoccupied positions lost in Sunday’s fighting. Casualties include 31 Lebanese soldiers killed and 55 wounded, […]


Fight against militants agitates Lebanon’s troubled camps


The Lebanese Army shelled Al Qaeda affiliate Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared camp for the third day, as at least 20 fighters, 32 soldiers and 27 civilians have been killed since fighting began Sunday. Fatah al-Islam claimed responsibility for the recent bombings in Beirut, vowed to ‘fight to last drop of blood’ but then […]


The Lebanese Army has tightened the cordon around the Nahr el-Bared Palestinian refugee camp, where 50 have been killed in battles between the Army and al Qaeda affiliate Fatah al-Islam. The Army shelled the camp today. A bombing in a Christian neighborhood in Beirut killed 1 and wounded 12.


The Lebanese Army fought the al Qaeda linked Fatah Al Islam terrorist group in the Nahr Al Bared Palestinian refugee camp north of Tripoli. “Clashes began after an army post on the outskirts of the camp came under fire from Fatah Al Islam militants.” The Army said 11 of its soldiers were killed and 31 […]


Lebanese Prime Minister Siniora has officially asked the United Nations to form a tribunal to try the suspects involved with the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri. Hezbollah has warned the creation of the tribunal will “sow divisions and discord.”


Hezbollah taunts Israel with giant pictures of captured soldiers