Tag Archives: lebanon


Three Lebanese soldiers were killed in the latest fighting against Fatah al Islam in the Nahr al Bared Palestinian refugee camp; 119 soldiers have been killed since fighting began on May 20. Lebanese troops found tunnels under the camp used as escape routes.


Struggling Lebanese Force Vows To Beat Al-Qaida Branch


Lebanese Army uses loudspeakers to call on Fatah al-Islam to surrender


Five Lebanese soldiers were killed during an assault on Fatah al Islam positions in the Nahr al Bared Palestinian refugee camp. A Syrian ship at the port of Sidon has been impounded after explosives were smuggled.


Olmert ‘failed severely’ in Lebanon war, says report


Fatah al Islam said it would consider negotiating an end to the siege at the Nahr Al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp. Three Lebanese troops were killed as the army is making the final push; four Fatah al Islam snipers were killed.


Roadside bomb explodes near UNIFIL peacekeepers in South Lebanon


Lebanese Army death toll tops 100 as battle at Nahr al-Bared intensifies


Fatah al Islam launched at least 15 Katyusha rockets into the surrounding villages of the Nahr al Bared Palestinian refugee camp. One civilian was killed and several others wounded.


Lebanese Army Resumes Bombardment of Islamic Militants in Refugee Camp


Seven members of Fatah al Islam surrendered as army troops prepare for the final assault on the Nahr al Bared Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon. A sniper killed a soldier, while over 150 Palestinian civilians fled the camp.


Siniora accuses Syria of sending arms to Palestinian camps


The Army killed six members of Fatah al-Islam in Qalamoun, a village south of the port city of Tripoli. Muhammad Khalayla, the brother of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is believed to be hiding out in the Nahr al-Bared with Fatah al-Islam.


UN report: Lebanon-Syria border completely porous


Six UNIFIL peacekeepers were killed in an IED attack near the Israeli border. The Army killed six Ansar al-Islam fighters in Tripoli.


The Army is in control of most of the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp. Two soldiers were killed in the latest round of fighting. A group of Palestinian clerics are attempting to secure a cease fire in the conflict. A judge issued arrest warrants for 4 al Qaeda detained in the Bekaa Valley last month.


Three Lebanese soldiers were killed during fighting at the Nahr al-Bared Palestinain camp. Two members of Jund al Sham were killed and 3 wounded in an explosion at the Ein El Helweh Palestinain camp.


Four soldiers were killed and 6 wounded in an IED attack in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp. The Army seized a large cache of explosives in the camp. The funeral for the murdered anti-Syrian member of parliament turned into an anti-Syria rally.


An anti-Syrian member of parliament, his son and two bodyguards were among 10 killed in a bombing in Beirut; 11 were wounded. The Army continues to press against Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp, and stated it will used heavy artillery in its assault.


Heavy fighting continues between the Army and al Qaeda linked Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp. Three soldiers and 2 Red Cross workers were killed in yesterday’s fighting, while 61 soldiers have been killed since the fighting began.

Al Qaeda

Lebanese Army advances on Fatah al-Islam positions, killing 16


Five soldiers were killed in fighting against al Qaeda linked Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp. Security forces arrested 3 al Qaeda, including a Belgian, in the Bekaa Valley.