Tag Archives: lebanon

Iraqi Shiite militia commander threatens to attack US

Akram Abbas al Kabi, a Specially Designated Global Terrorist and the leader of the Harakat Nujaba, said his group and others “will seek revenge” for what he claimed was a US airstrike that killed 10 members of the League of the Righteous.


Two Israeli soldiers, UN peacekeeper killed in Israel-Hezbollah violence


Lebanese army says three more soldiers killed in Friday’s attack


Security forces raided the notorious Roumieh prison today, searching for suspects linked to the Jan. 9 double suicide attack in Tripoli. Families of Islamist prisoners protested the raid, and the Al Nusrah Front threatened to retaliate for it.


A suicide bombing at a cafe in the northern city of Tripoli killed nine people and wounded 30 others. A second suicide bomber detonated outside the cafe. The attack was claimed by the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s Syrian branch.


French weapons will not be delivered to Lebanon before March: report