Tag Archives: lebanon


Hezbollah’s deputy secretary general Naim Qassem has accused Israel for the assassination of terrorist mastermind, Imad Mughniyah, saying, “we have clear proof, of 100 percent that cannot be doubted, that Israel is the head of the assassination.” Fighting has continued to rage in the Ain al Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in Sidon after Fatah forces […]


Syria Criticizes US Warship Deployment, Officials Say Warships Off Lebanese Coast Are Sign Of Washington Trying To Impose Its Will


Egypt’s Mubarak says Syria part of Lebanon crisis


Siniora: Lebanon wants friendly ties with all states except Israel


Syria ‘directly responsible™ for situation in Lebanon: US


Hezbollah leader killed in Syria, group blames Israel


Nasrallah and Aoun say partnership is still strong


Iran: 400 rebuilding projects finished since 2006 war in Lebanon


Clashes between Shiite and Christians in southern Beirut resulted in eight killed and 22 wounded. A senior leader of Shia Amal was killed in the fighting. The Lebanese Army seized a large weapons cache in the city of Sidon.


A car bombing in a Christian neighborhood in Beirut killed four, including an intelligence officer. The intelligence unit the officer belonged to is “closely involved in the U.N.-led investigation into the 2005 assassination of Hariri’s father, former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, and in a crackdown on al Qaeda-inspired militants.”


Syria says it has Lebanese allies, not ‘tools’


US Restricts Movements of Embassy Staff in Lebanon After Beirut Blast


A US Embassy vehicle was reported to have been hit with a roadside bomb in a Christian neighborhood in Beirut. “Television footage showed several damaged cars, including an SUV with tinted windows, similar to those used by U.S. diplomats,” the AP reported. Two people were reported killed.


German policeman says Lebanese plotters planned ‘bloodbath’ with train bombings


Security forces arrested Nabil Rahim, a high-ranking member of Fatah al Islam during a raid in Tripoli. Rahim’s wife and Zakharia Trabulsi, an aide, were also arrested.